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..::Martial's YVD Code Shack!::.. (GRAND Opening!)


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Welcome to Martial's YVD Code Shack!


Well... This a place were I code cards for your YVD games! I make unreleased Japanese cards in english, and make your cards into YVD's! I'll tell you where to past stuff and everything!


[spoiler=Japanese Cards]These cost 15 points for 5 cards. I do encourage you to share these with friends because I want the word to get around, plus I will only make 1 of every card...


P.S. Bloodrose; I'll have examples up tommorrow (too lateeeeee)



[spoiler=Custom Cards] These cost 5 points per custom card. I encourage you to share these too.


P.S. Bloodrose; I'll have examples up tommorrow (tooooooo lattteeee)



I do not claim to own YVD or xerocreative.com. I do not claim to be affliated with them.[/align]

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