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City of Stars: A Mortal Instruments RP{owned by Red Rose Swordgirl}


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When the three Mortal Instruments have been stolen all the Shadowhunters are looking for it, to keep them out of the wrong hands. And only the person living in the City of Stars knows anything about it.

But who has stolen them? And why?

Some demons want the items as well for the ultimate power.




The Accords:

The peace treaty between Shadowhunters and Downworlders which is renewed every two years.


Capital of Idris, it is also called The City of Glass due to the glass structures which dominate the skyline.

Book of the White:

A book of powerful spells bound in white leather and possibly written in ancient Greek.


Round throwing discs with blades around the edges.

The Circle:

Name given to the group of fellow Shadowhunters who followed Valentine Morgenstern in the Uprising

The City of Bones:

A hidden Shadowhunter city in New York City which serves as the burial place for Shadowhunters : home to The Silent Brothers where The Mortal Instruments were kept, it is also called The Silent City or Bone City

The Clave:

The ruling body of the Shadowhunters

Conclave a subset of The Clave composed of Shadowhunters acting as guard unit or police-like force

The Consul:

a high officer of The Clave whose duties include interpreting the Law and advising the Inquisitor


A half-changed vampire, usually a human who has consumed vampire blood, but not completed the transformation process

Demon towers:

Tall structures topped with spires of the same glasslike material used to craft seraph blades the towers control the wards preventing demons from entering Alicante.


An all encompassing term referring to the loose association between the Downworlder clans, covens, packs, and courts


Human-demon crossbreeds known as warlocks, vampires, werewolves, and faeries.


A white, smooth, worm-like demon that is blind and tracks by smell with poisonous spines in its mouth, used primarily to spy or send messages


A type of shape-changeing demon


One of the Downworlder races, legend says they are actually angel-demon crossbreeds, beautiful but devious. They are also called the Fair Folk or Fey.


ordinary humans changed into insane, gruesome, and evil beings after being tortured by the pain of having runes drawn on their bodies : usually manipulated for gain by an outside master.


The The official meeting place of the Clave.


A spell or energy of illusion used to hide or disguise an object or person.

Greater Demon:

Very powerful demons who exist primarily between dimensions who require great power to summon or control[3]

Hall of Accords Location in Idris where the Accords are signed, the main site of the Uprising


Demonic smoke which mutes the effects of certain kinds of magic.


The Shawdowhunter homeland, it is described as being located between France and Germany but protected from human view and access by wardings

The Inquisitor:

Chief invesitigator for the Clave who determines if Shadowhunters have broken the Law.

The Institute:

A Shadowhunter facility used for training, education and refuge, they are known to be located in New York, London, Paris, Beijing, Lisbon, and Mumbai.


A healing rune drawn on the body as treatment for an injury or sickness.


A dagger or short sword with a double edged blade of Eastern European origin which may be slightly curved at the tip, the blade and the scabbard are usually ornately engraved

Lake Lyn:

A body of water in Idris where it is believed the Angel Raziel rose and bestowed The Mortal Instruments to the first Nephilim.


Another name for The Mortal Sword.

Malachi Configuration:

A prison constructed from walls of energy which can give an electrical shock if tested. It is created with a seraph blade driven into the floor at each of the four compass points with a rune drawn next to the southernmost blade


Term used to refer to runes, typically refers to a rune drawn on the body

Mirror of Dreams:

Term used by fey to describe the waters of Lake Lyn which they believe cause them dreams, but it is known to be poisonous to Shadowhunters.

The Mortal Cup:

The cup used by the Angel Raziel to mix angel and human blood in order to create the hybrids known as Nephilim, it is valued because it retains its ability to create them, it is also one of the three Mortal Instruments given to the Nephilim by Raziel.

The Mortal Instruments:

The three gifts given by the Angel Raziel to the Nephilim consisting of a cup, a sword, and a mirror.


An ordinary human, they are also known as "mundies".

Nephilim Human:

-angel hybrids, also called Shadowhunters - they were charged by the Angel Raziel with protecting humans from demons and keeping peace amongst Downworlders.


A water faerie.


A two Shadowhunters who have developed such a close relationship through executing their duties, they are like siblings.


A magical gateway from one physical location to another.


A scorpion-like demon often used by warlocks or demon lords as hunters and killers, not very intelligent.


A person that returns after death or a long absence"

Ritual of Infernal Conversion:

The ritual for reversing the alliance of a magical object from angelic to demonic.

Runes Letters of a pre-Latin alphabet usually attributed to Germanic languages, they are drawn by Shadowhunters to invoke power or protection, but angelic runes are distiguished from germanic runes.

Seal of Solomon:

Seal representing the family of King Solomon of Israel which is often drawn as a hexagram with additional symbols incorporated in the design; design that legend says was carved into King Solomon's ring which gave him magical powers such as control over demons

Seraph Blade:

Magical sword with an "angelic alliance", the power of a knife is invoked by calling its unique angelic name.


Another name for Nephilim, a race of human and angel hybrids charged by the Angel Raziel with protecting humans from demons and keeping the peace among Downworlders.

Silent Brothers:

The Guardians of the City of Bones who keep records of every Shadowhunter, they watch over the Mortal Instruments even though their eyes and lips are sewn shut.

The Soul-Sword:

the sword used in a Shadowhunter trial to determine if he or she is telling the truth, it is one of the three Mortal Instruments given to the Nephilim by the Angel Raziel. It is also known as the Mortal Sword.


A wand-like instrument used by a Shadowhunter to draw runes and weild power.

Tisane A brewed drink of herbs and other ingredients used as medicine.

The Uprising:

The revolt against the Clave and the Accords led by Shadowhunter Valentine Morgenstern and his followers in the Circle.


A night dwelling downworlder famed for their consumption of blood. They are also known as night children or Children of the night


"a magical act performed to protect a person, place, or thing. Or a magical act frequently used to guard something being planned or developed."


Downworlders who appear in a human form but can change into wolves, they are also known as Lycanthropes.

Witchlight stone:

an enchanted stone which emits light and can be used like a flashlight








Weapon(Only if Shadow Hunter):




Marks(Only if Shadowhunter):



[spoiler=My Form]

Name: Valon Tora

Age: 20

Appearance: r1aavd.jpg

Species: Shadowhunter

Weapon(Only if Shadow Hunter):

Bio: he fights to for what happened whe he was young, he hates for people to bring it up

Items: Witchlight, Stele


Marks(Only if Shadowhunter): 10



By Pming me you can play as one of the Silent Brothers, or one of The Consul

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Name: Vincent Valentine

Age: 57 (Stopped aging at 27)

[spoiler=Human Appearance]VincentValentine.jpg


[spoiler=Shade Appearance]FFDoc_GalianBeast.jpg


[spoiler=Chaos Appearance]FFDoc_Chaos.jpg


Species: He is Human, but has Monsters inside him


30 years ago, he fell in love with a women named Kathrine Sartes, the Wife of a Scientist named James Sartes. Kathrine died giving birth to her and James son. After her death James went crazy, and after her funeral he sat in his lab all night with a gun. Vincent went to check on him, but when he got too close James flipped out and shot Vincent in the chest, then made him a science experiment, forcing 2 monsters into his body, Shade and Chaos. When James was finished he killed himself.

Items: His gun, the Cerberus.

Crush(Optional): None, now.

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Name: Akiza Izumee

Age: 20

Appearance: mid-night-warriors.jpg (Girl in the back)

Species: ShadowHunter

Weapon(Only if Shadow Hunter): Elongating Scythe and left arm controls Pressure

Bio: A young girl who fights with her Scythe. She has the odd ability to control pressure with her left arm. Her parents died when she was 7. She lives on her own.

Items: Seal of Solomon (has the Seal tattooed on the palm of her right hand)

Crush(Optional): N/A

Marks(Only if Shadowhunter): What exactly does this mean? what is your number?

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