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Pokemon Maolia Region RP (Please Lock)


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Yuri (Lily) / 16


Although she seems to give one the cold shoulder, she is only thinking and not listening to people/things around her. She is very friendly, kind of forgetful but can focus when she wants to. She has one goal in her mind and heart, beyond being a gym leader, elite 4 member or a pokemon master, she wants to catch one pokemon she has been dreaming about for so long since she first dreamed about it when she was around age 5, and that pokemon is Arceus.

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hello, sorry for an absence but i have a few questions. seeing as i wasn't on over the weekend, it seems as if i wasn't execpted and can't do muck. then theres the concern with god kases last note on the pokemon community and transfers. i need to know more so if derek you or someone could inform me about what i missed, it would be greatly appreciated.

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Actually, you didn't miss anything. As far as I can see, Derek is only on over the weekend, so without him to tell us what to do in the rp, nobody posts over the weekdays since he's not on to tell us what to do since we aren't allowed to do stuff without him telling us what to do, which is against the rp rules for this particular rp.

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Some People NEVER post in the RP so I'll be deleting their profile's soon. In a matter of time i'll try to squeez you other people into the RP. ;-)

Here is The New Waiting List:

1.) White Rose

2.) tallman95

3.) Alordzynix

4.) carlblack123456789


who is it that doesn't post and that you will be deleting, please don't say me

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Trainer name- Haaris

Trainer sprite- 6kpwtxt.png

Trainer Age-13

Trainer description- Haaris is a young kid who has never had friends.His only friend is A Staraptor names WingBlade. when he was little his dad was killed by a Absol. Now He helps any one in danger. Haaris and staraptor have gone trew everything with each other he had it since it was a starly.

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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest King of Games

1 of the reasons i miss kases. do you know about what kase put as his tytle? people who were in his apparently can transfer there pokemon to this one


i was wondering about that too...


And i'm entering this RP as well


Trainer name: joshua/josh


Age: 16

description: Josh has a rather passive personality about a lot of things. exect in pokemon battles. He leaves behind his rock and steel pokemon at his hometown to start fresh in the Maolia region.

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Can I still join or is it too late? If so I posted the trainer stats.


Trainer: Arpee Jajo

Trainer Sprite: 2006071916284886330_rs.jpg

Age: 18

Pokemon: Larvitar (Shiny - I can use shiny right?) Male

Level: 5

Pokemon Sprite: gbgsh246.png

Description: Not much is known about this trainer. He rarely talks but is always determined to win with his Shiny Larvitar.

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