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If this is the wrong thread, than I'm sorry, but I'm new. Any how, I was wondering why in the card type, for spells and stuff, that you don't have magic. Because I have a few cards that say Magic on them, and not spell or trap. of course it only says it on spells, but is isn't a spell. It is a magic card. So if you use a card to destroy spells and traps, and your opponents has a Magic Card, than it is not destroyed. Here are some examples of what is a magic card. A legendary ocean and Double Snare. However, I do have a "A legendary Ocean" that is a Spell card. So I was wondering why that type of card wasn't listed. Look in the Version 6.0 Rule book and you will find Magic Cards.

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Magic cards are spell cards. They are the sam ething just they (Konami) changed it to spell for some reason. I just refer to it as Magic since when i sarted playing (when it came to Ohio) they calledf them magic cards, but with card like Deust Tornado i say Magic, TRaps, and Spells just to clear the air

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Magic Cards is an old term for a spell card. During the "Waking the Dragons" Season of Yu-Gi-Oh! I think it was, they started referring to them as Spell Cards, so the card printing companies started reprinting cards with "Spell" instead of "Magic". For example I have a very old "Monster Reborn" and its a "Magic Card" and I have a new version of "Monster Reborn" and "Spell Card" Is printed on it, so basically they are the exact same, just that "Spell Card" would be the proper abbreviation of the term.


Hope I helped!


PS. This should go in "Questions" section above this one.

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Magic cards are spell cards. They are the same thing just [Konami] changed it to spell for some reason.


That reason is because it was apparently a trademark threat to the card game Magic: The Gathering.

Magic cards = Spell cards

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