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101 Ways to Kill A Blob


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In this you must think of ways to kill these: 6qlcic.jpg


Blobs have a population of zillions and yet there is only one species of blob. Blobs are also considered pests.


The only rules are:


Nothing that would disturb surrounding buildings.(e.g. Nukes)

Nothing unappropiate(e.g. Being crushed by a pair of *coughbosomscough*) I will allow stuff like 'Crush it with an elephants butt'

No swearing. 'I suffocate it in a pile of sh1t!' =No 'I suffocate it in a pile of manure'=Yes

You must put what no. use it is e.g. 'Have it sat on by an elephant. Use 101'


6qlcic.jpg~Can you kill it? i hope you can.


I'll Start:


Slingshot one against a wall.

Use no. 001


BTW Blobs are about 5 cm tall and 2.5 cm wide and weigh about 10 grams.

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