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Attack the Next Poster BETA


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I Kick you in da bit that hurts you the most before you do, then you fall on the floor, you fell on your Wepon


The next person: You R a Banana _banana__by_scionlights.png, i am God


a Launch 1 Billion Heat sinking Missiles, 100000 Nukes, 5000 Atomic's, Put on mah Forcefield, and Shoot a Evaporating Lazer on the thing they use to protect them selfs, then i clone mah self, and shoop da Whoop you 100000000000000 Times, then kick you in da Face to the next person who posts. then if your still alive, i use my God powers to Kill you anywayz : P


Have some Roflz Berriez: 901ce31fa7a6710a5350547a4312a17b.gif I Win Epicly

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