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Celebration Contest (Tournament)

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As a celebration of finally achieving my 5-star, 1000-post mark, I am holding a Tournament contest. There will be 3 rounds. I need 8 contestants however. This contest is only open to Level 3 or higher members. We will need 2 more Judges.

[spoiler= Entry Fee]

The Entry Fee shall be 10 points. All points entered will be put into a pot. I automatically put in 100 points. By the end of this, we should have 180 points. Anyone who fails to put in points will be kicked from the contest, and anyone on the Standby List will be put in. If anyone will be willing to give extra points, that would be greatly appreciated.



[spoiler= Prizes]

First Place- 1/2 the pot + 3 Rep

Second Place- 1/3 the pot + 2 Rep

Third Place- 1/6 the pot + 1 Rep



[spoiler= Round 1 Requirements]

You are to make a monster whose effect can Special Summon itself from the Deck, only by first sending itself to the Graveyard. By being sent to the Graveyard, that monster should get you a monster it can Special Summon when it is destroyed. You will also make the monster Special Summoned by this effect. I would morely like it if it had a good effect to back up the long wait for the Summoning of the card.

(Ex. This card cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. This card can only be Special Summoned by its own effect. By discarding this card from your hand to the Graveyard, you can add 1 "...." from your Deck to your hand. When this card is sent to the Graveyard by its own effect, you can place it face-up in the Deck. When this card is the top card of your Deck, Special Summon this card in face-up Attack Position. When this card is destroyed as a result of battle, Special Summon 1 "...." from your hand.)

Try not to steal my example. If you do use it, I will deduct 5 points from your score.



[spoiler= End Date]

I will make the end date for the round..... July 22nd. Any cards that fail to be entered on that date will be nulled, and will not move on. If the round End Date is changed, I will send out a pm to all those participating.



[spoiler= Standby List]

Anyone on this list may be put in the contest if someone drops out, or if someone has not entered their cards.

Current Standby List:






[spoiler= Contestants]

- Ovechkin Rocks

- The Godslayer

- Descrow

- 1337noob

- [Kagerius_XxX]






[spoiler= Round Revealer]

Round 1: Make a monster whose effect can Special Summon itself from the Deck, only by first sending itself to the Graveyard. By being sent to the Graveyard, that monster should get you a monster it can Special Summon when it is destroyed. You will also make the monster Special Summoned by this card.

Round 2: Make a Spell and Trap which supports the cards you made last round.

Round 3: Create a Tuner and a Synchro to support those monsters. (Can also be used as supports and use with the recently made Spells or Traps.)



[spoiler= Judges]

If you want to be a Judge, you must be Level 4 or Higher, and have an extended knowledge of Yugioh. I need you to send me your Judging Scale through PM and if I find it all to be right, you will be accepted.



[spoiler= Rules]

1. All YCM Rules apply.

+ Next Being Listed +

2. No bribing. Judges please report bribing. The points will be returned, and the contestant will be banned from the contest, possibly from YCM for a short time by a mod.

3. All image credit must be shown. State who it was from, and what site.



[spoiler= My Judging Scale]

OCG- /80

Pic- /50

Name- /10

Holo- +5 (Does not affect score if not holoed.)

Effect- /60

Originality- /100

Total- /300




I can't wait to see my contestants. Good luck to everyone. Do well, and I'll be expecting nothing but the best from everyone.

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I got most of understanding, but is this okay?



This card cannot be destroyed by battle. If this card is selected as an attack target, you can send it to the Graveyard to Special Summon 2 other "Bandersnatch"(s) from your hand or Deck. If 3 "Bandersnatch" are in your Graveyard, you can Special Summon those 3 monsters to your side of the field. They gain 500 ATK, and if they are sent to the Graveyard except by their own effect, inflict 300 damage to your opponent's Life Points.

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