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Digimon: Champions of the Digital World! [Started and Accepting]


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Lucemon looked at BlackAgumon. 'I wasn't the demon lord of pride for nothing lizard boy. Though I don't have the power I used to possess, most demon Digimon don't stand a chance against me. Though normally I am as powerful against normal foes, demon busting IS best left to me. In any case, that NeoDevimon didn't boast much power. It was merely a shadow of it's true self. I imagine we'll meet a real one soon neough, and you'd best be ready for them' Lucemon replied. 'I have no idea what you're saying, but you're really awesome' Jeremy stated.

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Lucemon looked at them. 'Did you not hear my words? That was not a true NeoDevimon, but a mere shadow of one. When I was reborn on the side of good, much of my power was lost. Although I am good at defeating demon Digimon and the powers of darkness, that is all I am truely capable of. Though I regret to say, I am as powerful as any rookie Digimon'.

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OOC: Something along the lines of Celestial Mode


Lucemon nodded. 'Yes, you were just afraid as you were facing an ultimate Digimon, which no sensible rookie would do unless they were very sure of themselves' he replied and landed near Jeremy. He quickly looked him over. 'You're fine at least, your cloths have some slight burns, but nonetheless you are fine'.

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