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Earthbound Immortal Killer

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You read the first line, right? That means you're going to Tribute a monster just to Summon this and destroy a Field Spell Card when you could just play something like Raigeki Break or Lightning Vortex.

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To make this in any way useful, they should have at least had the decency to, say, return the field to the deck or remove it from play. Anyone using an Earthbound Immortal deck would probably also use Field Barrier, which would block the field's destruction, so removing/bouncing it would bypass that.


Still bad, tho.

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Earthbound Killer? lolnothxbai


It's not as if we don't already have ways to kill them anyway. <_<


have to be careful though, some of them blow up in your face when you kill them. like humming bid, he takes all your monsters with him.


endymion wouldn't be effected by this weak card, he would just be a annoyance, quickly obliterated.

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