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July 11th Lolocals

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I get there, and I let my friend borrow some stuff for Synchro Cat, I change my deck around last minute, and pairing are announced.


Round 1: Gladiator Beasts vs Random Jank Burn


Pre Match thoughts: 60 card deck. Lulz.


Game 1: Gladiator Beasts do their thing, I keep Murmillo and Test Tiger on the field for 3 turns.


Game 2: I get 2 Gyzarus turn 3.


Easy match, new player I haven't seen.


Round 2: Gladiator Beast vs Random Monarchs


Pre Match thoughts: Wonder what type of Monarchs he is using. Cool dude though.


Game 1: He stalls for a bit, but I play around his stuff.


Game 2: He gets out a turn 2 Stardust. I have no outs, but then I draw Chariot. I summon Bestiari, set Chariot. He summons Krebons, attacks into Bestiari with Stardust, I Mirror Force, he Stardusts, I chariot. He can't recover after I Contact into Gyzarus next turn.


Quick Game, and I go to the bathroom. I am sick, so I grab some kleenex and I take care of my congested nose.


Round 3: Gladiator Beast vs Synchro Cat


Pre Match thoughts: Time to see this deck in action.


Game 1: I use chariot to negate Summoner Monk, he tries to summon DaD, but I saw 4 darks in grave. He gets pissed, and I take it after a bit.


Game 2: He gets out 2 Airbellums from Cat, hits Test Tiger + Hoplomus turn 3, he synchros into DSF. I can't draw anything to save me.


Game 3: It goes back in forth. He eventually gets out DaD, I'm like, "Calling Priority? I definitely have chariot" He is like, "No." I chain Bottomless. He was pissed. I draw Bestiari and win that turn.


Feeling bad after this round, I go outside to get some air.


Round 4: Gladiator Beast vs LS


Pre Match Thoughts: Ugh, I hate playing him.


Game 1: I draw Murmillo and Bestiari, he opens god.


Game 2: I gain control quickly, and win it easy.


Game 3: He has Honest, I don't have Chariot. Oh well GG.


Go outside for air again, the smell of B.O. and people yelling makes me feel worse.


Top 8: Gladiator Beasts vs Gladiator Beasts


Pre Match thoughts: Gonna be a quick game, he is a bad player usually.


Game 1: I play around his Traps, and I go into Gyzarus at an important time.


Game 2: I dominate from the Start. He Solemns, too late, and I take it soon after.


Top 4: Gladiator Beasts vs Lightsworn


Pre Match thoughts: Damn, not again. (Re play of round 4)


Game 1: He draws bad, I control early. I Herk and negate his only out.


Game 2: He summons two JD and an honest. =/


Game 3: Bottomless Trap Hole keeps JD from coming out. I use Gyzarus to stop his set up.


Top 2: Gladiator Beasts vs Random Monarch


Pre Match thoughts: w00t, easy match, I dunno why he doesn't split. rematch of round 2.


Game 1: I open 2 Rescue Cat + Cold Wave. I set Hoplomus and Bottomless. I bottomless his Rose, Warrior of Revenge. I Cold Wave, and I do 4000 damage, with Samnite, and Gyzarus( I had Test Tiger in hand). He can't come back.


Game 2: I open 2 Rescue Cat again, but I also get Bestiari. He opens strong, but I hit his morphing jar, drawing 2 Solemns, BTH, Book of Moon and Bestiari. I tag out Darius for Murmillo, killing his Goyo. I set the Solemns and BTH. He can't recover.


I win 23.00 store credit, get back my stuff from my friend, and I leave soon after.



Having Random people show up today and them playing

Winning the tourney.

Psyching out my round 3 opponent



Being sick

People being stupid with Honest.

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