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I Know What "Honest" Does

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When this card is on the field, it can be returned to the hand. During this turn, Send this card from your hand to the Graveyard and Increase the Attack Points of a Warrior-Type Monster with Level 7 or higher on your field by the Attack Points of 1 opponent's monster in battle.

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Well theirs the ANIME card effect and what I assume to be the actual card effect:


While this card is on the field, it can be returned to your hand. Discard this card from your hand, to select a Level 7 or higher Monster you and your opponent controls. The selected monster you control becomes the original ATK of the selected monster your opponent controls until end of the turn.


Besides it isn't all bad, what if Honest was like Yubel and got a more handsome set of improved skills like how Yubel got 2 extra forms.


Besides if this effect is the real one (In this post) then SD13 just a lot more mean, its making those Lv7 creatures into larger versions that can be suicided to take down things large then its self normally. Now do you considered it bad Horus?

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Gearfreed, the Swordmaster

Black Luster Soldier


Buster Blader

Dark Magician Knight

Destiny Hero - Dogma

Destiny Hero - Dreadmaster

Elemental Hero Air Neos

Elemental Hero Aqua Neos

Elemental Hero Dark Neos

Elemental Hero Flare Neos

Elemental Hero Grand Neos

Elemental Hero Glow Neos

Elemental Hero Magma Neos

Elemental Hero Marine Neos

Elemental Hero Shining Flare Wingman

Elemental Hero Shining Phoenix Enforcer

Elemental Hero Tempest

Elemental Hero Wild Wingman

Elemental Hero Wild Edge

Gaia the Fierce Knight

Garma Sword

Gate Guardian

Gilford the Lightning

Great Shogun Shien

Mystical Knight of Jackal

Silent Swordsman Lv7


Are all available candiates


Which are run in decks such as:



Miscellaneous Warriors (A beatdown theme deck from the structure)

Random Insert Warrior Bonus Deck

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Well, um, *breathes heavily through his teeth, slowly exhales*, oooo, gee, I don't know about this card.


As HORUS said, there are very few level 7 Warriors out there. Neos (duh) is a 7 becasue out there, somewhere in the anime, Judai/Jaden is going to use that card (no duh).


And just think, people. Next set is called "Light Of Destruction". This embarassment of a card is going to be the cover card.

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this card doesn't work at all... no one will ever use it

like honestly... for one, you wouldn't put a fairy in a warrior type deck...

second... its like mirage knight... sorta


its just not worth it... especially for a cover card

BUT i reckon there will be more to it... at least an evolution or soemthing

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Well, if their gonna have this crappy card on the cover, it BETTER have a support card, because then I'm gonna sue Konami; no cover card should be as crappy as this without an effect.


I know, pardon my language, but it was as best as I could describe it.


I mean, just look at Death's list. Almost all of the card are ELEMENTAL HEROS! That just tells you Jaden/Judai is going to use that card somewhere along the line here.

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[understatement] Its a little early folks to be considering it a sin right now[/understatement]


because like I had mentioned it probably has stronger forms since we do know konami can be really dumb at times but they aren't Lord of the Morons to place this as a cover card which hints that its sort of like Form/Level 1 for Honest.

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Gearfreed' date=' the Swordmaster

Black Luster Soldier


Buster Blader

Dark Magician Knight

Destiny Hero - Dogma

Destiny Hero - Dreadmaster

Elemental Hero Air Neos

Elemental Hero Aqua Neos

Elemental Hero Dark Neos

Elemental Hero Flare Neos

Elemental Hero Grand Neos

Elemental Hero Glow Neos

Elemental Hero Magma Neos

Elemental Hero Marine Neos

Elemental Hero Shining Flare Wingman

Elemental Hero Shining Phoenix Enforcer

Elemental Hero Tempest

Elemental Hero Wild Wingman

Elemental Hero Wild Edge

Gaia the Fierce Knight

[b']Swift Gaia the Fierce Knight[/b]

Garma Sword

Gate Guardian

Gilford the Lightning

Gilford the Legend

Great Shogun Shien

Mystical Knight of Jackal

Silent Swordsman Lv7


Are all available candiates


Which are run in decks such as:



Miscellaneous Warriors (A beatdown theme deck from the structure)

Random Insert Warrior Bonus Deck


you missed some

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Been to Janime lately, Miser S.L.?


opponent has for instance F.G.D. on the field, you have Elemental Hero Neos, discard Honest and your monster gains ATK equal to that of a opponent's monster.


FGD: 5000 ATK

Neos: 2500 ATK

Honests Ability: + X ATK

Neos: 7500 (2500 + 5000)


Yet heres why I think its interesting its actually playable, thats right, it is playable folks, unlike Mirage Knight you don't have to go with the process of Fusion --> Destruction of Fusion Monster ---> Mirage Knight. Honest + 2 monsters (1 monster you control thats at that annoying Level thats a Warrior and 1 of any kind your opponent controls), in a way its basically a incarnate of Mirage Knight without going threw such a big hassle of bringing that weapon out.


As for the link:



When Honest comes out I totally adding it to my "HERO-CON" Deck (My revised Evil Hero Deck)

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Hold on... if you got the right effect' date=' then this card is ridiculously broken. Not the Level 7+ Warrior effect. It can be returned to your hand anytime, making it more playable than Winged Ryno and Strike Ninja. I'm pretty sure it's during your standby phase, mainphase or something like that.



yeah i didnt even think about that :?


not very fair if you think about it that way. its probably during your main phase.

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Well, you do have a point with that, Viney. If you have level 7 warrios that can hold their own for a while, you can keep playing Honest over and over again, which mean's it'll get stronger each battle phase and your opponent won't be able to counteract it, especially with a powerful monster. However, if your opponent doesn't really use strength, and uses tactics instead, it might not be of THAT much use, but still.


Yeah, now I see it. Broken. All around.

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At best 1 per a deck because remember Grand Mole? Its a universal monster for any deck, with Honest its saying "I can work for you but I need a very specific target to be of full service". Theirs a key difference and a reason why we got Grand Mole at 1 per a deck, its the ultimate battle monster as it sends monsters of any level/type back to the hand and reusable the next battle phase, honest can only power a Lv7 or + Warrior and cannot return to the hand after his powering ability has been used unless he is special summoned then returned.


His second ability is a bit different and if I thinking right on how it would be ruled, you could send it back to your hand and power up Silent Swordsman Lv7 when its going to be attacked. Though yeah if his "Flee" ability to the hand works during both players turn at anytime you could return him, summon him, torrential tribute and return Honest and still have the monster you summoned and make a Raigeki effect for your opponent

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Honestly, Honest is a card that is like most Cover cards. To get, or not to get. Like the Creator...people wanted it, but their minds changed because it died and couldnt be Special Summoned easily unless its by Monster reincarnation, or by return from a different dimension. So this card is a rubbish unless support is made-up. No pun intended for the beginning.

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