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MY MAIN DECK!!!!!!!!!


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Tribute Monsters


Cyber Dragon x2


Non-Tribute Monsters

Hydrogeddon x3

D.D. Warrior Lady

Snipe Hunter

Mystic Tomato x2

Don Zaloog

Mataza the Zapper x2

Exiled Force


Neo-Spacian Grand Mole

Mystic Swordsman LV2

Spirit Reaper

Treeborn Frog


Spell Cards

Fissure x2

Lightning Vortex

Brain Control

Nobleman of Crossout

Heavy Storm

Swords of Revealing Light

Pot of Avarice

Reinforcements of the Army

Mystical Space Typhoon

Book of Moon


Premature Burial

Snatch Steal


Trap Cards

Sakuretsu Armor x2

Torrential Tribute

Call of the Haunted

Bottomless Trap Hole

Ring of Destruction

Magic Cylinders

Threatening Roar




It would be wise not to underestimate the power of this deck... really, don't!

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Hmmm, I'm not a huge fan of common decks like these. Basically everyone has alot of these cards in their deck. I prefer to have some originality, but again thats your own choice of course. Other than that, it's a pretty strong deck. Of course if you are going for a 2 Cyber Dragons, you may aswell have 3.


To help you out, heres a few cards that help any deck.







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Virtual: I would run 3 if I had them but I can't seem to find anyone who's willing to trade it. I might run the Monarchs in my Side Deck, but in a small attempt to retain a little bit of originality in my Tourny place, I'm not using them.



Oplo: I guess there's not too much of a specific card theme like Spellcasters or Cyber dragon combos.




Danilus: .... and what might that be?

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It's kinda a ...



Tomato/Control/Swarm deck. It keeps my opponent guessing and forces him to change his tactics throughout the duel. Although there might be more efficient decks that do that... I lack the cards to make a deck like that :(

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