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FRAXY Wars (Lock)

Big Bad Pennar

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@ Junk and El Beasto


[spoiler=Junk Just Focked Himself!!!!]

Beast's HP: 80

Beast's ATK: 435 (Holy $#!T!)

Beast's DEF: 90


Bane's HP: 30

Bane's ATK: 30

Bane's DEF: 22


Junk's HP: 70

Junk's ATK: 74

Junk's DEF: 11



Remember, The Toes you Step on may be attached to the @$$ You have to Kiss tomorrow, Next Time, Look at the First Page to see if That player has an infusion of weapons, I'll Spare you this time


The S.S. Heldimos Warps in just to see this Happening and fires a warning Shot In between the 2 Ships, Ending the Battle immediately without bloodshed

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@ Ramanga: You Shoot the Asteroids and Mine 1 Carbalite Ore and 1 Mysterious Ore


A. Return to Station

B. Jump To another area


@ Junk:


(Not Favoritism, The more Active you are, The Better you can Make your Ship)


You Jump into another Area and Run into a Metal Box


A. Pick it Up

B. Leave it alone

@ El Beasto


You Jump to another Area, Your radar screen is Surrounded by Blips, all coming Closer to you, You look outside and you find that you are in a Pirate Base......


A. Beat the living Crap out of the Pirate Base

B. GTFO of there

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@ El Beasto



Beast's HP: 85

Beast's ATK: 435 (Holy $#!T!)

Beast's DEF: 90

Speed Modifier: x4


Bane's HP: 30

Bane's ATK: 30

Bane's DEF: 22

Speed Modifier: x5


Pirate Base's HP: 1900

Pirate Base's ATK: 300

Pirate Base's DEF: 300




The Instant you fire all of your Guns, The whole base Blows Up, You Scavenge the Remains to Find just Ore, You Pick up 15 Mysterious Ore, 25 Carbalite Ore and 5 Union Diamonds


(There is a Maximum amount of FRAXY Points you can have on yourself at one Time, which is 2000)


@ Ramanga:


You Jump to another area and Find a Metal Box floating in front of you


A. Pick it up

B. Leave it

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Lol, and u have to combine it with my bane's too.


Return to base, and it be time to outfit the bane core:

Add a 360 aim panel and rolling panel

Add 4 Slow rays and a ripple gun onto the aim panel

And buy a force field for it too

And add a missle to the rolling panel, along with transfering the vulcans to the rolling panel as well.

Then sell all ores, and take off again.



Lol, you gotta be having fun calculating my ATK power.

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@ Cow:


(Actually, He Went up against a Pirate Base,, Which has a Higher Speed Modifier than a Capital Warship, Oh and BTW, Beast did over 1000 Damage)


You were too Late, The Blips are gone


You ran low on fuel and Returned to the Station

@ El beasto:


(Unfortunately, You cannot Buy Weapons except from an Arms Dealer, Also, if you sold all the Ores, you will Break your Points Limit, Buy some more Stuff for your Bane core or Buy more Detach Joints and Cores to make more Fighters, I will keep you at the Station so you can Try again, Oh and BTW, You actually cannot Leave the Station with Mysterious Ores on you, So i'll be Kind and say that you Examined those ores)


You Examine the 20 Mysterious Ores and you find that 1 is Melange Ore, 7 are Union Diamonds, 8 are Metal Boxes, and the four Pieces of Mysterious Ore look like Strange Pieces of Core, You open the Metal Boxes and you find 20 Aim Joints and 4 Laser Blades, as well as a Detach Joint


A. Piece the Core Pieces Together

B, Ditch them

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@ El Beasto


You Piece the 4 Pieces of Core together and Fix them together, You had gotten a Strange core, when all of a sudden, It Activates, Pulling the 20 Aim Joints and the 4 Laser Blades Together, and It Attaches to the Back of the Ship Behind Bane using the Detach Joint


The Alien Ship, Which you call 'Seer', Allies with you as an Option.....

@ Everyone: I have decided to Change my Ship

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