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FRAXY Wars (Lock)

Big Bad Pennar

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@ El Beasto:


You launch into Space and Jump into an Area, There are Blips everywhere on your Radar, You Landed in an Asteroid Field


A. Mine the Asteroids

B. Explore

C. Jump to a Different Area

@ Cow:


You Go towards the Blip only to find a Hostile Pirate Warship, and it attacks you



Cow's HP: 40

Cow's ATK: 60

Cow's DEF: 22

Speed Advantage: 2X


Pirate Warship's HP: 100

Pirate Warship's ATK: 50

Pirate Warship's DEF: 40



You had Gotten a Potshot on yourself, You Celebrate as you Destroyed your First Warship, and You Salvaged a Ripple Gun and 2 Small Lasers from it, as well as a 5 Mysterious Ores


The Damage Caused a Fuel Leak and forced you to return to the Station

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@ Junk:


Unfortunately' date=' Before you could Jump to another Area, A Small Laser Nearly hits you and an Asteroid in front of you Explodes, Revealing the S.S. Heldimos, a Warship, In place of the Asteroid, There was a lot of Ores in the Space, and the S.S Dracos was Picking up some of the Ores... Do you....


A. Help Gather the Ores

B. Attack The S.S. Heldimos

C. Radio the S.S. Heldimos

D. Make like a Goose and Get the Flock out of there


@ Lucifer:


You Start Shooting some of the Asteroids and Pick up 10 Pieces of Carbalite Ore


A. Explore

B. Return to the Station

C. Jump to another Area


C "WTF! You almost hit me you blind B-tard!"

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@ Junk


"Well? Get out Before I shoot you".... Out of Fear You Scramble to another Area(The Heldimos has a lot of Firepower)


You had jumped to another area very Quickly, and you Pick up a Rather Large Blip on your Radar along with a few smaller Blips


A. Investigate

B. Leave it alone

@ El Beasto:


You Open the Box to Find a Plasma Ring


A. Return to Station

B. Jump to another area

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@ Junk


You Get the Heck out of There and Jump to another Area just to Run into a Hostile Pirate Gunship, an Ill Prepared one at that



Junk's HP: 50

Junk's ATK: 10

Junk's DEF: 10

Speed Advantage: 1.5X


Pirate Gunship's HP: 40

Pirate Gunship's ATK: 10

Pirate Gunship's DEF: 5




You Withstood the attacks of the Gunship, but The Gunship took a Small Hit


A. Attack the Gunship again

B. Leave the Area

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