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FRAXY Wars (Lock)

Big Bad Pennar

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@ Lucifer:


You get ready to Radio the Warship, but you get attacked By 2 Pirates at the Same time



Lucifer's HP: 50

Lucifer's ATK: 43

Lucifer's DEF: 19


Pirate 1's HP: 30

Pirate 1's ATK: 20

Pirate 1's DEF: 5


Pirate 2's HP: 25

Pirate 2's ATK: 10

Pirate 2's DEF: 20




You take a little Damage, But you Slice one of the Pirates In half, while you Crippled the other


A. Board the Crippled Ship

B. Destroy the Crippled Ship


P.S.: You salvaged a Slow Ray off of the Destroyed Ship

@ Cow:


You Radio the S.S. Draco and it Picks up "Hello.... What do you need?"


(you can say whatever you want for Radio conversations)

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