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FRAXY Wars (Lock)

Big Bad Pennar

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flash back! to page 27

@ El Beasto & Donnie


The Kraken Jumps into the Same Area as the Stickfire' date=' The Stickfire starts Mining and Gets 2 Pieces of Mysterious Ore......


A. Radio

[s']B. Attack[/s] The S.S Dark Judgment will be bound to interfere

C. Leave


i reeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaalllllly wanted to attack that day!i haven't even damaged a ship once!

anyways, i'll buy 2 rolling pannels and mount them on the front end of my ship

and then i'll set off again

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@ El Beasto: Lol, I have something bad and Funny for him


You try to Hightail it, but your Engine Jams......

@ PI:


You Charge up your Lasers and your Missles, but a Radio Message Comes up


'Ima firin Mah Lazorz!'


At which you look around just in time to see a Huge Rainbow of Lasers coming at you you try to Move, but your Engine is Jammed


And then another Message comes Up


'Forbidden Barrage: Starbow Break!"


The Lasers Pierces through your entire Hull, Killing your Generator, You get towed back to the Station, but you Lost Nothing

@ Donnie:


You land in a Ship Graveyard just in time to see a Ship Blown up with a Barrage of Lasers


A. Mine

B. Observe the Beautiful View as the Dark Xorrofor gets Shoop da whooped by the 7 Lasers

C. Leave

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@ El Beasto: LOL


Suddenly you get another Radio Message




As it turns out, Radio waves Echo here Making Communication Harder, You see the Stickfire


You have no Choice but to Radio him or Wait

You watch in Awe as The Dark Xorrofor gets Towed..... Then you Mine and Get a Melange Ore


You also See the Kraken in the Distance, Engines Dead


A. Radio Him

B. Attack Him

C. Leave

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Pshaw, rainbow lazorz ¬_¬


If you could have any FRAXY creation not just a battleship I would make it look like my upcoming boss, "Argorax - God".


So I just set out again coz i cant be bothered to go in fraxy and equip 100or so plates.


Also, for those curious...


An early screenshot of "Argorax - God" that hasn't been seen anywhere before. (and yes his head does split up and fire a barrage of Brain Juice. Also, there will be a boss before it called "Argorax - Master of Infinity", which isnt finished either XD)




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@ Donnie:


You Take off from the Scene' date=' and Unfortunately, You ran out of Fuel and was towed back to the Station




i say that "unfortunately" should be fortuneately cuz i was lucky he didn't jump after me!


anyways, i'll sell my union diamond and my melange ore.

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