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FRAXY Wars (Lock)

Big Bad Pennar

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@ El Beasto, PI and Donnie:


Before you could make your Moves, The S.S. Dark Judgment comes in, You all get A Radio Message....


"Whoever has the Dark Xorrofor, Put your Guns down and Kiss your @$$ Goodbye!"


Then A Homebrew Shot out of the Dark Judgment, which Slams into the Dark Xorrofor, Then Suddenly, The Entire Ship Shuts down, What was inside the Missle was a Blue Gremlin.......


A. Radio

B. Attack

C. Flee

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Tactical tip: Don't fight the game host.


Leave. - Don't do this yet.


EDIT: Oh wait, can I still get armor and weapons and such, or has that been shut down to?

Also, if a ship is destroyed completely, would the player somehow get returned to the station with basic stuff?


If the above answer is yes, supposing my 100,000 red gremlins havent been magically stunned, I scatter them around the ship then make them all explode. Then when returned to wherever, I rebuild my ship.

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the reason i'm chasing after el beasto is

@ Donnie: Nope' date=' Not exactly.....


A Metal Box Flies in front of you, You pick it up and Open it, A Black Gremlin Flies out of it and tries to tear your Ship apart


A. Attack it

B. Wait.....



i'm gonna get him for that!

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@ PI:


Unfortunately, Before you could get your Gremlin Missiles to use, Your Hyperdrive went Crazy and Teleported to Some Random Area, You are Still Stuck without Power.... Good thing that your Radio still works......

@ Donnie:


Before you could fire a shot at The Dark Judgment, It left the Area, You were also Ditched by the Kraken


A. Jump

B. Return to Station

@ El Beasto:


You Jump and Land in a Ship Graveyard


A. Mine

B. Jump

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@ PI:


You Radio the Cargo Ship the Message and the Cargo Ship Fires some kind of Pale blue Beam at you..... Somehow, your Systems get Restored......


I'll let you Post your Choice on your Own.....

@ Donnie:


You Jump to Find yourself in a Ship Graveyard


A. Mine

B. Jump

@ El Beasto:


You Jump in an Asteroid Field


A. Mine

B. Jump

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