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FRAXY Wars (Lock)

Big Bad Pennar

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@ El Beasto and Donnie:


The Kraken Jumps and Lands in an empty area whilst The Stickfire approaches.....


A. Radio

B. Attack

C. Leave

@ PI:


You Blast the Ship with a Built in Pressure Laser and Disassemble it, You get 2 Boosters, 6 Plates, 6 Wings, a Bane Core, 3 Explosive Tanks, 2 Tanks, 1 Aim Panel 360, and 3 Large Lasers


A. Jump

B. Return to Station.....

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First off, I use the parts I got to make a control panel for my ship, and everything is equipped to the aim panel (yes even the bane core, it looks awesmoe, might provide a screenshot later), this means i no longer use the cancer core to control it, that is just its weak point. Second, I mod everything to make it more powerful.


And then I jump.

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*red light flashes and alarm goes off*oh man! oh man! oh man! where did that come from?!

is it possible to jump after him?

ooh! a metal box! ? a note appears to be on it. "srry, but my weapons malfunctioned. please acept these 1000 FRAXY points to make it up to you."


you got 1000 fraxy points!=D use these to buy upgrades, parts, and weapons.

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@ Donnie: Nope, Not exactly.....


A Metal Box Flies in front of you, You pick it up and Open it, A Black Gremlin Flies out of it and tries to tear your Ship apart


A. Attack it

B. Wait.....

@ PI: Actually If you just say "Equip a smaller core" without any direction on where to put it, That is how the rank changes.....


You land in a Ship Graveyard......


A. Mine

B. Jump

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