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FRAXY Wars (Lock)

Big Bad Pennar

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@ El Beasto:


You search your ship for clues to find a Note on the Hyperdrive:


"Dear Richard, We fixed your Hyperdrive, So you can Jump again...."


You look at the last Part of the letter and find 2 Names


"Sincerely, Teresa Nightingale and the White Kreache"


You go to Teresa and Thank her, She smiles and you return to your Ship and you find a Massive Metal Box, You open it and find 2 Missles and 2 Ripple Guns


A. Thank her again

B. Just Jump

@ Junk:


You fire your 2 Homebrews at the Dark Xorrofor as Cops were sneaking up to it, then You Jump into an Asteroid field


A. Mine

B. Jump

@ PI:




You are about to Jump and you Spot 2 Blips on your Radar, They were Homebrew Missles


A. Shoot them down

B. Dodge them

@ Donnie: All you had to do was say so.....

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@ Donnie: First off, you start with 100 Points, a Fighter Core and a Bullet Gun, Missile Cores are 5 Points Each, and Function as Armor, until you get Detach Joints, which are 70 Points each...


and Armor is 20 Points Each

@ El beasto:

(Actually, I didn't say Missle core, I said Missle, meaning Missle gun)


Teresa Smiles again as you take off......


You land in an Asteroid field....


A. Mine

B. Jump

@ Junk:


You jump and Land in the Middle of Nowhere, But there a a lot of Blips ahead of you


A. Check it out

B. Jump

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