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FRAXY Wars (Lock)

Big Bad Pennar

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@ Cow:


Your instinct was Right, you picked it up and there was 2 Small Lasers


A. Return to the Space Station

B. Explore Some more

@ Junk:


You Jump to a Different Area and Find a Rather large Blip on your Radar, You know it is a Ship... What do you do?


A. Investigate

B. Jump to a different area

@ Lucifer:


You Accelerate toward the Blip to find whatever it was Gone, But Luckily it left a Container Behind....


A. Pick it up

B. Leave it alone

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@ Lucifer:


Whatever that Blip was, It got to the Container First... it was Empty (O_O) but You find a Card in there


A. Return to the Station

B. Explore Some more

@ Junk:


Unfortunately, That Big Blip turned out to be the S.S. Dracos, Which was known as an Extremely tough Ship


A. Attack the Ship

B. Radio the Ship

C. Leave it alone

@ Cow:


You Return to the Space Station.....


(Also You can sell Items and Trade them, Mostly everything outside the Space Station is based on Random events)

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@ Junk:


You GTFO of there and Jump into another area, But you are Confronted by a Small Fighter with the Jolly Roger



Junk's HP: 25

Junk's ATK: 10

Junk's DEF: 10


Pirate's HP: 20

Pirate's ATK: 10

Pirate's DEF: 2




You Potshotted the Pirate Ship and you Crippled it


A. Board it

B. Destroy it

@ Enrise:

(Actually You can Check it when you return to the Station)


You Jump to another Area and you Find another Metal Box almost Immediately


A. Pick it up

B. Leave it

@ Cow:


Small Laser: A Weapon that Creates a Beam of Light and Destroys a pinpoint area, A bit Cheesy if Mounted on a Rolling Panel

[spoiler=Stats Changes]

+6 ATK, If mounted on a Rolling Panel +8 ATK



Sell Price: 10 Points apiece


Are you Sure?

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ile keep the lasers for now, they are probily good against small enemy fighters. i shall at the space station mount them on my ship. and i will mount them on my 2 rolling panels. to increase thier capability as the stats if mounted on 1.


am i able to leave the station now? if so then i shall do without haste.

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@ Lucifer:

(Sorry about that, i keep calling you your old name)


You Pick up the Box to find that it is Locked, Maybe the card you have has something to do with it


A. Use the Card

B. Toss the Box

@ Junk:

As you Board the Ship, You see the Captain and Most of the Crew Dead, but you see one Crew Member coming at you with a Laser Pistol, You Kill that Crew Member Immediately.... You Plunder the Ship for 40 Fraxy Points and another Laser Blade


You are Running Low on Fuel and Have No Choice but to Return to the Station......

@ Cow: Done, You can Set off again if you like

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@ Lucifer:


You Stick in the Card, and Turn it, You Open the Box to Find 200 Fraxy Points and 4 Small Lasers, Then the card gets Disintegrated


A. Return to Station

B. Explore Some More

C. Jump to a Different Area

@ Cow:


You Jump to an Area to Find 2 Blips on your Radar


A. Investigate

B. Leave them alone

@ Junk: Done, What do you want to do with the other Laser Blade?

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