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FRAXY Wars (Lock)

Big Bad Pennar

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Andi figured out that much, but what do i have to have the effects be? I tried when destroyed, substitute the value 2 for the laser blade's Variable 1. Then I have the other events set to if Variable is 2, do blahblahblah. I also have an event on it that says if variable1 is not 2, stop all action.


So when i put that into motion, destroy the plate, the laser blade still doesnt activate.

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Andi figured out that much' date=' but what do i have to have the effects be? I tried when destroyed, substitute the value 2 for the laser blade's Variable 1. Then I have the other events set to if Variable is 2, do blahblahblah. I also have an event on it that says if variable1 is not 2, stop all action.


So when i put that into motion, destroy the plate, the laser blade still doesnt activate.



Laser Blades are known for not working properly with events.

EDIT: Is the blade attached as a child to the plate? Child parts are automatically destroyed when their parent is. If not, do you mind posting a d/l of the boss? (or at least what is not working)

EDIT2: You did do this, didn't you? Blade is on stop (this isnt an event) events on plate: 1: Condition: Destroyed Effects: Play Movement: Blade. That should work ¬_¬


I mine teh asteroids, because nothing possibly bad could happen, could it? *coughcough*

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@ El Beasto, Junk, and PI:


The Kraken Jumps to another Area and Run into the Dark Xorrofor, Then The Turbo Ran into Both The Kraken and The Dark Xorrofor


A. Mind your Business and Mine

B. Radio

C. Attack

D. Leave

(> Trust me, I have Downloaded Some REALLY Annoying ones as well, I even Made an Unbeatable Enemy, Hey PI, You Remember 'UrScrewed' Don't you? <)

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Both The Turbo and The Dark Xorrofor Start Mining on Asteroids....


Junk Got:

1 Melange Ore


PI Got:

3 Union Diamonds

9 Mysterious Ore


(> @ PI: Who was the PM from? <)

(> Attention Everyone Playing the Game, I have Decided to Make a Randobanner to Promote this Game, Please PM Me How you Want your Ships if you Don't Have FRAXY or if you Want me to Make your Ship, People With FRAXY can Do it themselves and PM Me the Image of it, I Already Have Lucifer's as well as My Own..... <)

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@ PI:


(> LOL, It was My Doing, He asked me what I was doing in the Games Forum and I Gave him a Link to this Forum Game, also Read Last Post <)


You Get 1 Melange Ore, 5 Metal Boxes and 3 Black Gremlins, You Open the Metal Boxes and Get 3 Aim Panels, 2 Ripple Guns, 2 Missle Cores and 2 Detach Joints

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XD I was just going to buy some aim panels.

Oh, and I sent you a PM.


I sell the Melange Ore, equip the missile cores with detach but put no gremlins in, and then I equip the large lazorz to the aim panels, removing them from panel rollings, put the ripple guns where the lazorz were, and finally set off.


(1 aim panel should be inactive, thats going to have something on it later =D)



Oh, also, I think aim panels should give a higher ATK boost than rolling panels.

And maybe the addition of the sonic wave?

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@ PI:


(Actually, The Battle System is Now Real Time, So ATK and DEF Actually Do Not Matter, Its for if I decide to Make them Into Cards Later, I have Yet to Find out How Valuable a Sonic Wave is to an Enemy, Before Adding It)


You Jump to another Area and You Find yourself At the Gremlins R Us


A. Go In

B. Jump to another Area

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Since I am now a GM, i'll order 8 wings, 40 plates (decoration 07s really but we dont have those), 8 panel aim player 360s, and 8 large lazorz equipped to my panel aim players. (also, all my lazorz now have infinite projection). Also, I buy 16 missiles equipped to my 8 wings (2 each).


Talk about overpowered XD.


Oh, and just for teh lulz I make my guns have an extremely high rate of fire.

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If ders any asteroids left mine. I kinda fell asleep lol...


And I did finally get the laser blades working after a series of events:


Destroyed>Substitute 1 value in for Variable1 on Rolling Panel S [iD 2] (include child parts)

Same except for the other rolling panel S

And a couple of other events screwing with variable on other pieces.



Variable1 = 0>Stop movement

Variable1 = 1>Start movement

Movement(ON)>Extraparams 1-4

Movement(ON)>Attack action 13



So then I got to doing this on other parts.

So its attack patern has 2-3 stages.

It starts with being bombed by energy eggs that explode into vulcan shots, and large lasers.

Then after you blow up one plate, and invincible barrier kicks on, protecting everything but the Large lasers, and so do some twin vulcans set to do 15 shots in a 180 degree area.

The only way to turn the barrier off is to destroy the rest of the plates.

Then its easy, kill, kill, kill, and the inner barrier has 10000 durability, then the core is easy.


Oh I forgot to mention that after the first barrier goes down, a gravity well kicks on and you tend do die at laser blades hands.

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