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FRAXY Wars (Lock)

Big Bad Pennar

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@ El Beasto:


(Sorry about that)


You Shoot the Asteroids and Mine 5 Union Diamonds, and 12 Mysterious Ore


Usual Deal

A. Return to Station

B. Jump to a different Area

@ PI:


The Cashier Gives you 2 Metal Boxes, You Do not Open them, Then The Cashier says "You must be the Captain of the 'Dark Xorrofor' In that Case, Someone Gave me something to give to you...."


You Receive a Metal Box and you Open it to find a Missle Core and a Detach Joint, As well as a Strange Robot


A. Buy some more

B. Leave

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@ El Beasto:


(LOL, Gremlins cannot Open Boxes with their Thin Fingers)


You Open the Box and You Find a Black Gremlin, The White Gremlin gets it to Join forces with you

@ PI:


(No, they are not, Also with the Robot, you can Equip Items to your Ship in outer Space)


You did Exactly that, You went to the Station and Attached the Homebrew Missles to your Ship

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@ PI and El Beasto:


The Kraken Fires the Lasers, and it Hits The Dark Xorofor, and at that Instant, a Homebrew Missle came from Elsewhere and Hit the Kraken on the Starboard Side


A. Radio

B. Attack

C. Leave

@ Cow:


You examine the ore, 1 is a Metal Box, the Second was a Union Diamond, the Third you Shoot with your Vulcan because it was a Black Gremlin, You Open the Metal Box to Find a Ripple Gun, and you sell the Union Diamond

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