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FRAXY Wars (Lock)

Big Bad Pennar

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AARGHABALRG!!!!!! Stupid inspector... This is all a ploy to keep me from creating a massive destroying machine...


If possible (and if there's no repurcussions), chop inspector's head off with lazer blade...


And one more fraxy question, no mater what i change, parameters or anything, i cant get laser blades to stay permanatly on. And this time there's no laser blade 2

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AARGHABALRG!!!!!! Stupid inspector... This is all a ploy to keep me from creating a massive destroying machine...


If possible (and if there's no repurcussions)' date=' chop inspector's head off with lazer blade...


And one more fraxy question, no mater what i change, parameters or anything, i cant get laser blades to stay permanatly on. And this time there's no laser blade 2



Change attack action to 7, 9 or 11, they are the same as 1 3 and 5 respectively but are infinite.


P.S. I will laugh if you ship fails in space if you chop off the inspectors head.

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AARGHABALRG!!!!!! Stupid inspector... This is all a ploy to keep me from creating a massive destroying machine...


If possible (and if there's no repurcussions)' date=' chop inspector's head off with lazer blade...


And one more fraxy question, no mater what i change, parameters or anything, i cant get laser blades to stay permanatly on. And this time there's no laser blade 2



Change attack action to 7, 9 or 11, they are the same as 1 3 and 5 respectively but are infinite.


Thank you!! Any site i go to doesn't have that kinda stuff. ive only found one good one with the extra parameters listed.

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@ El Beasto:


You Chop the Inspector's Head off with your Laser Blade and Take off in your Ship, But Unfortunately, Right when you Get out of the Station, Your Ship Runs out of Fuel and is Towed Back into the Station, You are now Jailed for First Degree Murder


You Eventually Get out, But Some of your Points are Gone as well as Handheld Items and Ores

@ Junk:


You Examine the Ores, 2 are Metal Boxes, 2 Are Carbalite, and the Fifth one was a Black Gremlin, You slice him in Half Almost Immediately, You Open the Metal Boxes and you Get 2 Missile Cores

@ PI:


You Examine the Ores, 1 is Melange and the Others are Metal Boxes, you open one and Find a Handheld Laser Blade, The Other Box Had a Gremlin in it, You again Bind it with a Plasma Ring Shot


A. Force it to Work for you

B. Kill It

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@ El Beasto: You are Now able to Take Off, But First, You get your Laser Blades back, In addition, Someone Stole your Carbalite Ore, But a Friend Sold your Union Diamonds for you and gave you the Money

@ PI


You Jump to another Area to Find a Ship Warping, Then a Metal Box comes flying at you


A. Pick it up

B. Leave it alone

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@ PI:


(This is why you should Never Trust others)


As it turned out, you Pick up the Box and Open it, You see a Red Gremlin in there, Before you could do anything, It Blows Up, Taking some of your ship with it


You Lost:

2x Vulcan

1x Ripple Gun

2x Brown Gremlin

1x Brick


A. Return to Station

B. Jump to another Area

C. What's That in the Distance?

@ El Beasto:


You Jump to another area and you find another Station, You read the Sign and it says "Gremlins R Us"


A. Go inside

B. Jump to another Area

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... If I go inside can I leave my ship outside, and if I can will the gremlins (not just ones in the station) be able to steal anything?


And what is the probability of something bad happening, I'm cautious now. (its almost like cheating... but I don't understand how to board stations so it should be alright to ask)

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@ PI


(It is Similar to the Main station, You dock inside the Station, As for the chances of something bad happening, it is very slim in stations and Moderately Likely in Space)


You go inside the Station and you see Caged Gremlins of Different Kinds, Including this Ugly Green one that has a Sign above it that says "This is Your Mom", Anyway, you Walk up to the Monger and he Tells you that He Sells Gremlins:


Brown Gremlin: 5 FRAXY Points

Black Gremlin: 10 FRAXY Points

Red Gremlin: 50 FRAXY Points

White Gremlin: 1250 FRAXY Points


A. Buy

B. Ask

C. Leave

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@ PI:


(No, You ditch them, But Gremlins come in Metal Boxes)


The Cashier Replies "Gremlins, If released in Metal Boxes or in Missles, can Cause Royal Havoc on another Person's Ship, The Brown and Black ones Sabotage by Stealing things, The Red ones Explode, But the White ones are able to get other Gremlins to Join you, They are a lot of Fun to use"

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