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FRAXY Wars (Lock)

Big Bad Pennar

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@ El Beasto:


You Take off into the Horizon and Find out that you are in a Pirate Base


A. Attack

B. Flee

@ PI:


You Set out to find that you are in an Asteroid Field


A. Mine

B. Explore

C. Jump to another area

@ Junk:


You Set out to Run into a Metal Box


A. Pick it Up

B. Leave it alone

@ Cow:


You Pick up the Box to find out that you Got a Gremlin, It Smacks you in the Head and Takes Off with your Mysterious Card


A. Go after the Gremlin

B. Leave it alone.....

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That version of FRAXY is horribly outdated (it isn't even version be it should be d at minimum)! The beta version is stable enough and offers MUCH more parts and weapons and custom interfaces etc.

Download to newest version: http://mokeron.hp.infoseek.co.jp/zg/fraxy_20090706beta.zip

Replace the files that need to be with this: http://mokeron.hp.infoseek.co.jp/zg/fraxy_20090715beta_patch.zip

You can still transfer your enemies over by replacing the folder.


Anyway' date='


I A. Mine.

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That version of FRAXY is horribly outdated (it isn't even version be it should be d at minimum)! The beta version is stable enough and offers MUCH more parts and weapons and custom interfaces etc.

Download to newest version: http://mokeron.hp.infoseek.co.jp/zg/fraxy_20090706beta.zip

Replace the files that need to be with this: http://mokeron.hp.infoseek.co.jp/zg/fraxy_20090715beta_patch.zip

You can still transfer your enemies over by replacing the folder.


Anyway' date='


I A. Mine.


Y thank u very much! =)

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@ El Beasto:


You successfully Destroy the Base, but Sadly, It was Invaded By Gremlins.... LOL


A. Return to Station

B. Jump to another Area


[spoiler=EDIT: How about This Ship (3 Huge Screenies)]






@ Junk:


You shared the Same Unfortunate Fate as Cow, You Open the Box, A Gremlin Jumps out and Runs off with 50 FRAXY Points


A. Go after the Gremlin

B. Leave it alone

@ PI:


You Blast Asteroids using your New Ripple Gun and You Get a Union Diamond and 3 Pieces of Mysterious Ore


A. Return to Station

B. Explore

C. Jump to another Area

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I'm not Flandre' date=' (I'm actually the one who told them about FRAXY) but what different modes of play? Random, select and clipboard or free play and try?



Oh okay, then either ou yous. No i mean like normal, fun and Danmaku. And also, how'd you edit your ship?


Oh, XD


Normal is standard, fun makes your weapons cooldown quicker and gives you overload and yeah, extreme halves range of bullets but gives you permanent overloader and danmaku gives you a 1 pixel hitbox and slower enemy bullets.


to edit your ship open up img then player_01. You can edit the ship and shield and boosts there (everything is 32 by 32p).

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