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FRAXY Wars (Lock)

Big Bad Pennar

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Flandre, some of us have to sleep, go to school/work, eat stuffc, go to birthdays,wddings,e.t.c. So don't give people really good weapons in an 8 hour peroid of time. Please make the system a bit fairer so certain people don't get massive amounts of power in a short amount of time. I suggested the Valhalla core and I didn't get one for free. Beasto on the other hand got a Bane core(which is worth 2-3 times more than a valhalla) for free. I find that unfair. Either stop giving beasto good stuff for a while, give the rest of us some strong weapons and some Fraxy points or else I quit. Your choice.



I jump to another area.

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@ Junk:

{Actually, The Bane is similar to the Fighter core with a Defensive Bonus, and is worth half as much as a Valhalla, oh and Look at the Boosters you got, but i might look for someone to help Me Mod this game anyway, Also I have Put in a Shop to help with that Problem, but you haven't Realized it yet}


You jump to another area and Run into another Metal Box


A. Pick it up

B. Leave it

@ Cow:


You jump to another area and Run into another Metal Box


A. Pick it up

B. Leave it

@ El Beasto:


You Leave the Area, and Run into nothing, You had ran out of Fuel and had to Return to the Station

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Oh drat...


Well, since I have such and overload of points... *deevious smile*


Buy a cancer core and 5 boosters for it, but keep the valhalla core as an option with a detach joint. (Transfer weaponry to the cancer though, and leave the valhalla as a floating thing that can ram poeple with joints until I buy some weaponry at an arms dealer or whatever.)


Then sell my ores and shtuff, then buy 2 rolling panels and a 360 aim panel for the stripped valhalla.


And we're off once again.

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@ El Beasto:


(Boosters are Considered Weaponry... LOL, also you sold only 4 Union Diamonds and your Melange Ore)


You Jump into an Area, But you Jumped Near a Black Hole, Sucking in some of your Stuff, You Lost your Bane Fighter, and your Missle Gun, Then You Jump again and find 3 Blips on your Radar, 2 of them Right next to each other and a Giant Blip Coming towards the 2 Smaller Blips


A. Investigate them

B. Leave

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