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FRAXY Wars (Lock)

Big Bad Pennar

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[spoiler=The Long Explanation, Read the First Paragraph before continuing]People go into the Game and Get 100 FRAXY Points each, Then By spending FRAXY Points, They Buy Parts to Make a ship and Improve it, Then They are Flying Solo from there, I Act as the GM of the Game and say what Happens Next as people do actions, With the Fact that I will also Take part in the Game, People can Team up, or shoot each other Down or Trade Parts, As people Shoot Enemies Down, They get a Small sum of Points, But if they Shoot down another Player, The player that Shot down the other Player Gains all of that Person's Leftover points, The Top 3 People can have Me Create their Ship on FRAXY and post a Picture of it on the First post of the Game, But In order for me to Post the Picture They say How much Armor they have on each Side, where the weapons are located, The Name of the Ship and Other Specifications....


In the Game, There are a few types of Parts you can Buy, Which are Cores, Wings, Plates, Bricks, Joints, and Weapons, You MUST have at least 1 Mid-sized Core in order to Proceed in the Game, So Everyone gets a Fighter Core for free, Cores actually Determine the Class of Ship you have and Affect the Speed of the Ship as well, Your class of Ship is Determined by the Smallest Core that Ship Has, Like Parts, You can also Buy Abilities for your Class of Ship. Wings, Plates, and Bricks affect the Armor of the Ship(Yes, Wings do not Contribute to the Speed factor in this Game) The more you Have, the tougher the ship. Joints Have Various effects, Ranging From Detaching Parts to Aiming Weapons to Moving Parts, While Weapons are Self-Explanatory, There are different classes of Weapons, But you need to Trade for them or Pick them Up in Space.....



[spoiler=In a Nutshell, With the Rules]

- When you Join this Game, You get 100 FRAXY Points to Build a Ship with, along with a Fighter Core and Either a Vulcan or a Normal Bullet Gun, You can Buy Cores, Joints, and Armor, But you have to find weapons on your own(Although Small cores come with weapons)

- I am the Head GM of this Game and will direct Others Similar to one of those Battle Games

- Although I am a GM, that Doesn't mean I cannot play the Game

- You can Request an Image of your Ship if you are one of the top 3 Players, and Specify Via PM Where the Weapons are at on the Ship, the Name of your Ship, and other Specifications

- Anyone can Join at Anytime, But Preferably by PM

- I have the Final Say......

- If you have Questions, Ask Me



[spoiler=and Now for the Buyable Parts]


Missle: a 5 FRAXY Point part, Use only for Homebrew Missles

Fighter: Your Starter Core, Additional Fighter Cores are 10 FRAXY Points, Medium Speed, Mild Durability, Your Ship will be Recognized as a Fighter with this core, Comes with a Vulcan or a Normal Bullet Gun

Bit: A 10 FRAXY Point core, Similar to the Fighter Core, Except your Fighter will Strafe More than it will move, Your Ship will be Recognized as an Option with this core, Comes with a Vulcan or a Normal Bullet Gun

Bane: A 100 Fraxy Point Core, A Very Small Core that Goes Very Fast, Your Ship will be Recognized as a Defender with this core, Has a small DEF Bonus, Comes with a Vulcan or a Normal Bullet Gun

Valhalla: a 200 FRAXY Point Core, An Upgraded Fighter Core, Your Ship will be Recognized as a Gunship with this core, Has a small ATK Bonus, Comes with a Vulcan or a Normal Bullet Gun

Seer: A 400 Fraxy Point Core, This core has a Built in Rolling Panel, And Gives off a small DEF Bonus. Your Ship will be Recognized as a Roller with this core

Big: a 500 FRAXY Point Core, Very Durable, but very slow, Your Ship will be Recognized as a Warship with this core

Cancer: a 700 FRAXY Point Core, Similar to the Big core, except more Durable, Your Ship will be Recognized as a Capital Warship with this core

Death Sun: A 1000 Fraxy Point Core, This core is an Upgraded Seer Core, Large ATK and DEF Bonuses, as well as a Hidden Ability, Your Ship will be Recognized as a Death Metal Roller with this core

Predator: A 1500 Fraxy Point Core, This core is an Upgraded Cancer Core, Large ATK and DEF Bonuses, Your Ship will be Recognized as a Predator with this core

Block: a 1700 FRAXY Point Core, Most Durable core in the Game, but Doesn't move, Your Ship will be Recognized as a Space Station with this core

New!: Deity: A 4000 Fraxy Point Core, This core is an Upgraded Block Core, Unbelievable ATK and DEF Bonuses, as well as 3 Hidden Abilities, Your Ship will be Recognized as a Diety with this core



[spoiler=Armor:]Most Pieces of Armor(State Wing, Plate, or Brick) are 20 FRAXY Points apiece, No matter the Durability, Except the Explosive Tank, Which Cost 30 FRAXY Points



Aim Panels: a 5-50 FRAXY point part Pending on Maximum Angle

Rolling Panels: a 5 FRAXY point part, These Spin in different Directions, Good for weapons

Aim Joints: a 5 FRAXY point part, 15 Degree aiming angle, 3 sizes

Move Joints: a 10 FRAXY point Part, They Move outward or Inward

Detach Joints: a 70 FRAXY point Part, It Cuts itself off your Ship, Perfect for Homebrew Missles, Side Fighters, or Options



[spoiler=Player Stats]

[spoiler=Flandre Scarlet(HGM)]

FRAXY Points: Infinity

Ship Class: Capital Warship

Ship Name: S.S. Dark Judgment


3x Cancer Core

20x Plates

10x Wings


2x Missiles

6x Energy Egg(All Tweaked differently)

2x Powerballs (All tweaked)

2x Explosive Tank

8x Medium Lasers

6x Large Lasers

8x Vulcan

5x Rolling Panels

4x 360 Aim Panels

4x Boosters

4x Detach Joints

White Gremlin

7x Control Rods

[spoiler=Drone 1]

Bit core

2x Wings

Slow Ray



[spoiler=Drone 2]

Bit core

2x Wings

Slow Ray




Valhalla core

4x Wings

360 Aim Panel

Bullet Gun (Tweaked)




Bane core

2x Wings

Homing Laser





Plasma Ring Gun

Laser Blade





[spoiler=Perfect Infinity (GM)]

FRAXY Points: Infinity

Ship Class: Predator

Ship Name: Dark Xorrofor


Predator Core

16x Wings

60x Plates

3x Rolling Panels

12x Small Lasers (Tweaked)

Bullet Gun (Tweaked)

3x Ripple Gun (Tweaked)

67x Missle (Tweaked)

21x Large Lasers (Tweaked)

4x Detach Joints

8x Black Gremlins

100x Blue Gremlins

2x White Gremlins

13x 360 Aim Panels

2x Tank

3x Explosive Tanks

1x Bane Core

3x Booster (Tweaked)

2x Boosters


Hell Raven Booster

[spoiler=Missle 1]Red Gremlin


[spoiler=Missle 2]Red Gremlin


[spoiler=Missle 3]Red Gremlin


[spoiler=Missle 4]Red Gremlin




Handheld Plasma Ring Gun

Laser Blade



2 Weapon Fragments

2 Mysterious Core Fragments






FRAXY Points: 110

Ship Class: Capital Warship

Ship Name: Alpha 1


Cancer Core

Bullet Gun

4x Rolling Panels

6x Wings

Explosive Tank


4x Small Lasers

Powerball Gun

2x Aim Panel 360

2x Ripple Gun

Large Laser






Mysterious card

Laser Blade

Ripple Gun






FRAXY Points: 105

Ship Class: Gunship

Ship Name: The Turbo


Valhalla Core

2x Vulcan

4x Rolling Panel

2x Explosive Tank


Medium Laser

Large Laser

3x Boosters

Installation Robot


Ripple Gun

2x Detach Joints



Laser Blade



Melange Ore







FRAXY Points: 155

Ship Class: Gunship

Ship Name: The Fallen Angel


Valhalla Core

2x Vulcan

5x Rolling Panels

4x Wings

4x Small Lasers

2x Aim Panel 360

Slow Ray

Medium Laser





[spoiler=El Beasto Perezoso]

FRAXY Points: 3235

Ship Class: Capital Warship

Ship Name: The Kraken


Cancer Core

Vulcan (Modified)

25x Plates

2x Bricks

8x Wings

8x Rolling Panels

2x Medium Laser (Modified)

10x Small Laser (Modified)

360 Aim Panel

2x Plasma Ring Gun (Modified)

Installation Robot


Homing Laser (Modified)

4x Ripple Gun (Modified)

9x Large Lasers (Modified)

2x Detach Joint

White Gremlin

50x Black Gremlins

5x Missile

7x Tank

50x Brown Gremlins

Control Rod

Divine Spear

20 Aim Joints


Valhalla Core

360 Aim Panel

2x Rolling Panels

13x Large Lasers

12x Wings

10x Plates



[spoiler=Missle 1]2x Red Gremlin, Missle


[spoiler=Missle 2]2x Red Gremlin


[spoiler=Missle 3]2x Red Gremlin


[spoiler=Missle 4]2x Red Gremlin


[spoiler=Missle 5]2x Red Gremlin, Missle




Laser Blade



1x Union Diamond

1x Mysterious Core

1x: Weapon Fragments






FRAXY Points: 0

Ship Class: Fighter

Ship Name: Gurren Lagann


Fighter Core


2x Wings

2x Plates

4x Rolling Panels

Installation Robot

2x Red Gremlins

Missle Core

Detach Joint



Carbalite Ore

Mysterious ore





[spoiler=Pure Awesomeness]

FRAXY Points: 100

Ship Class: Fighter

Ship Name: ???


Fighter Core

Bullet Gun



Kitchen Knife









FRAXY Points: 580

Ship Class: Fighter

Ship Name: Stickfire


Fighter Core

2x Bullet Gun

1x Wing

1x Plate

Explosive Tank



Kitchen Knife



2 Pieces of Mysterious Core

2 Mysterious Ore





[spoiler=Cyber Valley]

FRAXY Points: 100

Ship Class: Fighter

Ship Name: ???


Fighter Core




Kitchen Knife









FRAXY Points: 0

Ship Class: Fighter

Ship Name: Destruct


Fighter Core

Bullet Gun

2x Wings

1x Plate

2x Rolling Panels

1x Explosive Tank


Kitchen Knife



Union Diamond






FRAXY Points: 5

Ship Class: Fighter

Ship Name: Warrior Bane


2 Fighter Cores

2 Missle Cores

1 Aim Pannel

1 Aim Joint

1 Rolling Panel

1 Move Joint

Large Laser



Kitchen Knife










[spoiler=Known Weapons:]


[spoiler=Bullet Gun:] +10 ATK, If mounted on a 360 Aim Panel or a Bit core, +12 ATK, Value: None


[spoiler=Vulcan:] +10 ATK, If mounted on a Rolling Panel or 360 Aim Panel, +11 ATK, Value: None


[spoiler=Laser Blade:] +15 ATK, -10 DEF, If Mounted on a Rolling panel: +20 ATK, -10 DEF, Value: 10 FRAXY Points


[spoiler=Small Laser:]+6 ATK, If mounted on a Rolling Panel or an Aim Panel +8 ATK, Value: 10 FRAXY Points


[spoiler=Medium Laser:]+10 ATK, If mounted on a Rolling Panel or an Aim Panel +14 ATK, Value: 50 FRAXY Points


[spoiler=Large Laser:]+15 ATK, If mounted on a Rolling Panel or an Aim Panel +19 ATK, Value: 90 FRAXY Points


[spoiler=Plasma Ring Gun:]+16 ATK, If mounted on an Aim Panel +22 ATK, Value: 40 FRAXY Points


[spoiler=Slow Ray:]+20 ATK, If mounted on an Aim Panel +24 ATK, Value: 50 FRAXY Points


[spoiler=Powerball gun:]+26 ATK, If mounted on an Aim Panel +34 ATK, Value: 200 FRAXY Points


[spoiler=Ripple Gun:]+30 ATK, If mounted on an Aim Panel +32 ATK, Jams Radar on Contact, Value: 300 FRAXY Points


[spoiler=Homing Laser:]+60 ATK, Value: 400 FRAXY Points


[spoiler=Missle:]+90 ATK, Value: 700 FRAXY Points


[spoiler=Energy Egg:]Variable ATK, Depending on The tweaks, 50% Chance of EMPing your opponent, Value: 200 FRAXY Points




[spoiler=Barrier:]+50 DEF, Value: 100 FRAXY Points




[spoiler=Gravity Generator:]Great Weapon for Large, Armored Ships, Causes other Ships to Crash into it, Value: 70 FRAXY Points


[spoiler=Installation Robot:]Allows you to install items out in Space, Value: 150 FRAXY Points


[spoiler=Booster:]Decreases your opponent's Speed Modifier by 1, If opponent's Speed modifier is already at 1x, It increases your Speed modifier by 1 instead, Value: 70 FRAXY Points


[spoiler=Tank:]Increases you FRAXY Point Maximum by 500 Per Tank, +10 DEF, Value: 1250 FRAXY Points





[spoiler=Mysterious Ore:] An unknown Ore, Requires Close Examination in order to Sell


[spoiler=Meteorite:] A Rare Piece of Meteorite that often gets Picked up by accident, Sells for 5 Fraxy points apiece


[spoiler=Carbalite Ore:] A Very Hard Ore that Requires Lasers to Break off, A Very Valuable Comodity, Sells for 25 Fraxy Points apiece


[spoiler=Union Diamond:] A Jewel that, if Melted, Can Bond 2 Solids together, Extremely Valuable Comodity, Sells for 100 Fraxy Points


[spoiler=Melange Ore:] A Priceless Ore, Very Rare, Sells for 500 Fraxy Points




[spoiler=Extra Parameters Shop:]For an Infusion of Points We can Tweak Your Weapons and Joints of Your Ship, But Be a bit careful, These Tweaks can mess with your Fuel supply as well, Here are the Current Upgrades we Carry:

[spoiler=Higher Rate of Fire:]All Weapons can use this upgrade, +6 ATK, 30 Fraxy Points


[spoiler=Infinite Projection:]Lasers and the Laser Blade can use this upgrade, +10 ATK, 40 Fraxy Points


[spoiler=Increase Speed:]The Normal Bullet Gun, Vulcan, Plasma Ring, Slow ray, Powerball, and Ripple Guns can use this Upgrade, +8 ATK, 100 Fraxy Points


[spoiler=Random Tweak:]You can Request a Random Tweak of your Weapons for 5 Fraxy Points per Tweak



[spoiler=Gremlins:]You will Now Randomly Encounter Gremlins, Which will Encourage People to Make Hand Held Weaponry, There are Many Different Types of Gremlins, Gremlins are Small Creatures that Do not Breathe Air, but are Nasty little Buggers, You can Also Buy them to Sabotage other Craft, By Placing them In Metal Boxes and Even Missile Cores, But Beware, Possession of Gremlins will Make Police Come after you.....

[spoiler=Brown Gremlin:]These Hide In Metal Boxes, Puncturing a Hole in the Metal Box makes for an easy Kill, They Can be Bound using a Plasma Ring gun, Value: 5 FRAXY Points


[spoiler=Black Gremlin:]These Hide as Mysterious Ores and in Metal Boxes, They are Immune to the effects of Space as they do not Explode in Space, They Can be Bound using a Plasma Ring gun Value: 10 FRAXY Points


[spoiler=Red Gremlin:]An Unfortunate Encounter with these can Cause part of your Ship to Blow up, a Very Rare Buy. Value: 50 FRAXY Points


[spoiler=Blue Gremlin:]These Rare Gremlins Emit an Electric Blast that can Knock out a Victim's Hyperdrive, Engines and Weapons, Completely stunning an Enemy ship, More Stable than Red Gremlins. Value: 250 FRAXY Points


[spoiler=White Gremlin:]These Majestic Gremlins Rally Even Enemy Gremlins for your own Use. Value: 1250 FRAXY Points



[spoiler=New!: Boss Battles:]Boss Battles are Extremely Rare, And 99% of the Time they are Inescapable, But if you are able to Defeat them, The Rewards are Plenty, Including at least a Fragment of a New Part, Like Players, Bosses Revive themselves, But unlike Players, they do not lose Parts, Only the HGM can Initiate a Boss Battle, Most Bosses often have OHK attacks as well as Invulnerable Armor, with an Exception of a Hole with the Core Exposed

[spoiler=S.S. Utsuho:]

A Very Powerful and Fast Frigate that has Many attacks, 2 of which can kill you Instantly, Invulnerable Armor.....

Weakness: In the Rear, Quarter of the Core is Exposed, Anywhere else, it's invulnerable

Unique attacks: Control Rod: Mega Flare, Punishing Danmaku Grid, Uncontrollable Nuclear Assault



[spoiler=Divine Gunship: Scarlet Devil:]

A Mid-speed Frigate, Invulnerable Armor.....

Weakness: Rear

Unique attacks: Divine Spear: Gungir, Bloody Knives, Burst Flaregun, Steady stream of Homing Lasers, Lavatein





[spoiler=New!: Secret Weapons:]These things hold Awesome Destructive power, and are basically Pieces of Boss weaponry, These can only be found by piecing together 4 Mysterious Weapon Pieces, These cannot be sold nor Bought, Except by the HGM

[spoiler=S.S. Utsuho:]

[spoiler=Control Rod:]

+2000 ATK, -500 DEF, Carries The Special Ability: Peta Flare, Which is capable of Purging an entire sector of Ships, but it kills off your Generator, Leaving you out in space, Immobile for a long while



[spoiler=Hell Raven Booster:]

+10 for your own Speed Advantage, Carries 2 abilities: Flaming Escape, Which allows you to escape from Battles easily, and even allows you to Escape Boss battles, While damaging whoever you were battling slightly. and Uncontrollable Raven Dive, Which sends you charging at the Enemy, Vaporizing Small ships while dealing a Lot of Damage to Large Ships









[spoiler=Divine Gunship: Scarlet Devil:]

[spoiler=Divine Spear:]

+500 ATK, This weapon Pierces any Armor















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@ Junk:


As You Go near the Blip on your Radar, It was simply a Metal Box, It looked like a container of some sort...


A. Pick it up

B. Leave it alone

@ Lucifer:


As General Lucifer Von Hexen's Ship Came out of the Dock of the Space Station and Hyperjumped into another area, A Blip pops up on your Radar, It appears to be another Ship, and a rather small one, What do you Do?


A. Investigate it

B. Leave it alone


@ Cow:


As Cowsmacker's Ship, The Alpha 1 Came out of the Dock of the Space Station and Hyperjumped into another area, A Blip pops up on your Radar, It appears to be some kind of Box, What do you Do?


A. Investigate it

B. Leave it alone

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