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Rate my Dark-deck (I suck at strategi, plz help)


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I need to know how good/bad my deck is and instead of just complayning about how sucky it is (if that's the case), give me some advice to.


Monsters x20


Dark Blade x3

Dark Magician x2

Dark Tinker

Despair from the dark

Hiro's shadow scout

Junk Synchron x2

Kahkki, Guerilla of dark world


Mask of darkness

Mystic tomato

Old vindictive magician

Patrician of darkness

Summoned skull

Total defense shogun

Wall of illusion

Zombyra the dark


Spells x11


Axe of despair

Black pendant

Lightning vortex

Malevolent nuzzler

Monster reborn

Monster reincarnation

Mystical plasma zone

Mystical space typhoon

Rush recklessly

Swords of revealing light

The reliable gueardian


Traps x10

Divine wrath

Magic cylinder

Magic jammer


Treatening roar

Trap hole

Sakuretsu armor

Scrap-iron scarecrow

Seven tools of the bandit

Spellbinding circle


Oh, one more thing, if you make a dark-deck does it have to be dark-monsters only or can you use other attributes and the same thing with type-moster decks.

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Yes, you can use cards of other type/attribute! Only use cards of the same attribute if they have actual synergy with each other!


At least you cut it down to 41 cards, that's a good start. Unfortunately most of the 41 cards suck. Hear these words I wrote on what to run cards based on:


Okay' date=' when deciding what sort of deck to make, here are the biggest factors:


1. Archetypes. These are generally made to work together, making the task of figuring out what to put in the deck vastly easier.


2. Type/Attribute based decks. It's good to focus on one type or attribute, but ONLY if they actually have effects that benefit each other. There's no benefit in running all Pyros if their effects are totally uncooperative and have no synergy.


3. Win condition/OTK decks. These are centered purely around executing a small list of combos that ensure victory. In order to build this, just choose one combo that you know can win reliably, then center the rest of the deck around drawing and executing the combo.


4. Single-Strategy decks. Good examples of these are beatdown and burn. You just select cards that work well with that strategy though they may not be related. For instance, run many high-attack monsters with few drawbacks in beatdown, though they may be from different attributes or archetypes. All that matters is that they fit the theme.


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2. Type/Attribute based decks. It's good to focus on one type or attribute' date=' but ONLY if they actually have effects that benefit each other. There's no benefit in running all Pyros if their effects are totally uncooperative and have no synergy.


^TC might have a problem with this one^


Since he might end up running Horus and Armed Dragon in the same deck.

Which is a terrible deck idea :/

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good call with Pratrician. I suggest adding 2 or three Double Costons, they will act as 2 tributes for Despair. Maybe add 2 more kuribohs (just in case). Take out kahki, he reaks like cow crap. LOW ATK. try out ordeal of a Traveler, possibly add Invader of Darkness. Oh and Miricle Restoring and Royal Magical Library in there is good, because if Dark Magician is destroyed, the spell counters on Royal Magical Library can be used for Miricle Restoring to bring back DM. Also try a Bottomless Trap Hole and add another Wall of Illusion. So my edits are:

+ 2 or 3 Double Coston

+ 2 Kuriboh


+ Ordeal of a Traveler

+ Invader of Darkness

+ Miricle Restoring

+ Royal Magical Library

That's all I got.

also try a Spirit Reaper really good annoyance and also Sinister Serpent

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