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Dark Synchro made with MY OWN CUSTOM CARD TEMPLATE [ -DG-]


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Okay, this took a while. The logos and stuff Were placed accordingly to a Dark Synchro I used as a guide to place the stuff for the template.




I'm not giving out any part of the template, nor do I allow any ripping of any part of my card.


Those who I give the template to are lucky. I trust those who I give it to. I may eventually post the template here.



The link below is my custom Blank. You can only use it for HR, which means only for showcase. NO requests or shop items. If you want the template Sirbig and I put together, go to the tuts. You can buy the template there.


Custom Dark Synchro blank


The description states no use w/o permission. You don't want problems, do you?


For showcase only, unless you BUY THE FULL template sirbig and I put together.

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I have two questions.


1. Did you make this copying the one on yugioh wikia?


2. Why are you made of so much Smex?


two answers.



1. It's custom' date=' but, yes, I used them as guides for the border, stone box, and image border. The BG is just custom.


2. Because everyone here helped make me this way. I WUB ALL OF YOU.... as friends and family

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