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My 1st Set-Mixed Final Fantasy(beta version)


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Hello.This is my 1st card set.I am not the only one opsessed with Final Fantasy Video Game on this forum that's for sure because i've seen many other FF cards.Enough of that!This is a beta version of my next set which will be moderated different.

For those with greater FF expirience;you might notice that there is maybe some unusual things with Seymour's Attribute;It's LIGHT!But in next version,you'll see that there are going to be some other Seymour freatured and everything will be clear.

I need you to rate this Set because if you do,I'll be getting some more back info 'bout my Set and i'll make a new version as soon as possible.And I'm going to close up(match)more effects of a Sin and Yu Yevon in my new version,promise that one.

Thank you for reading this!



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i'd say cool image for valefor, when i was making my ffx cards i didnt really look for a valefor pic bu tht ones really good!


yeah cool set, like the guy up there said, the white background images are the only real let down, and some of the pics are squashed or blurry, and there is quite alot of spelling mistakes[remeber! quality not quantity] ,but apart from that its a real good set 7/10


[...my FFX sets better :P] naw i joke

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