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Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles rp accpeting by post shadow mir orginal thread


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ooc: sry I haven't posted, like I said, I am at my cousins house so I cannot make any animations yet. anyways, we don't need them.


Battle actions: Lilty #1 has died.

Buckethead charges a Spear attack.

Lilty #2 attacks haru but is injured. He only does half damage.


ooc: WOOT we are winning ^_^ lol

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ooc: lol

"well, you guys lets keep going. We are almost there. But I must warn you, the creatures of seleption will be much harder than these lilty who attacked us. There will be sahagan, bats, and the like. Be ready. (Bukethead thinking: and that deathly Cave Worm.......)

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a long good while later....

We are here. The caravaners hear the howling winds, and the freezing snow piling. The dripplings of water drops hitting the floor of the icy cavern. Suddenly, the winds speed up. "oh no! Everyone, get in the cave! A blizzard is starting out here!" Buckethead tumbled with everyone else into the cave. "Well, this will all be worth it. Watch your backs!"

A few minutes later, the group heard a rumbling. The cavern started to fall apart. "It's time I told you....the reason the cave shook and the lilties came here. And why I came here. Around ths time of year, the myyrh tree does hold a drop of myrrh, yes, but, there is something else as well. As you may know, a few years back, the meteor parasite caused miasma to flow, but me and my caravan helped to defeat it, with many other caravans. But, with no miasma, every year, when the myrrh drops are ready to collect, a reincarnation of the monsters we have faced before comes. Specifically, one of my old foes, The Cave Worm. I want to fight that worm, and have get some mythril on the way, but what I really want, even more than that mythril, is the cave worms corpse itself. We could make all kinds of things with it's supplies. Are you guys with me? If you are not....I respect your decision." Suddenly a Sahagin jumped out on buckethead. "ARGH!!" He collapsed as the sahagin started to pull him back into the watery puddle.


Sahagin: Battle action: Blizzara to Azoka and Kaira (Freezes and deals a startlingly high amount of damage for some reason....)

Buckethead: Battle action: *knocked out*

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Kaira sat in the cave and huddled to herself to keep warm (due to Selkies lack of clothing XD)

and listened intently to buckheads story. Before anyone could reply they were attacked out of no where.

"woah!" she exclaimed as she quickly got into battle action.

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