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I haz an idea

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You know how we get our own user level stars, right?


How about selectable user attributes? O,o


Basicly, each YCM member's account is effectively his/her own monster card, right? So why not include user attributes?


It would look something like this:



Oh, and your attribute would be selectable via the User CP.


Ehhh.... its an idea

(Might work, might not, meh...)

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Unsupported because it would require a huge rewrite. I know because I'm a hobbyist programmer.


Not exactly.

It would be similar to the YCM achievements thing.


........Which I didnt really plan for :/


Hmm, now whare would be a good location to place the attribute?

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It's a creative way to express ones stereotype or favourite type of card.


Though most members will choose DIVINE or DARK.


And WIND will like never be used.


I support, but seems like just another to personalize ones profile/ member account.


You can just sig or avatar it.

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Though most members will choose DIVINE or DARK.

IMO' date=' everyone with a name like "COOL YUGIOH!" would use Divine


And WIND will like never be used.

Technicly, I would use WIND(or sometimes FIRE)

......And I only really picked WIND as an example. The other attributes would be selectable aswell.

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