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Plot: The Signers are no more and the Satellite has been demolished to create a new Duel Dome. However the people of the Satellite have been left with nowhere to go. An underground organization of the top 4 duelists in the Satellite known as the X Riders have come out to enter the new Dynamo Duel Dome Tournament. There main goal is to batlte the new champ Lance Solar and defeat him to gain control of the new dome and construct a new and more modern Satellite, but with numerous obstacles in the way they have a tough road ahead of them to even get inside od the Dome.


Anyone who wants to be Lance Solar just Post it.


X Rider App:



Age: (18 Max)


Deck: (Can be custom)

D Runner:

Ace Card:






Dome Duelist App:




Deck: (Can be custom)

D Runner:

Ace Card:





My App:


Name: Kai Leonis

Age: 16 (18 Max)

Gender: M

Deck: Forgotten Soul (Can be custom)

D Runner: motofuturista.jpg

Ace Card: Dynasty Dragon Ruler Of Worlds

Apperance: Anime-Boy-1.jpg

Bio: Kai doesent have much of a istory. His friends found him beat up one day in an alley and took him in as one of thier own. They all have been best frineds ever since. He is an incredible duelist though.

Other: He has a twin sister that he lost contact with years back.





No overpowered decks and all RP ans YCM rules apply.

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Name:Raiden solar



Deck:new mechanics (Can be custom)

D Runner:79ccbf66c896450661a284be2957cfb81234749613_full.jpg

Ace Card:New Mechanic-War Machine General


Bio:hes the younger brother of lance but was kidnapped by a statlelite he grew up as a satillitebut later gound out he is from tops.he best friends with Kai Leonis.

Other:leader of his own duel runner gang

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Name:Kaisu Sanyura



Deck: Armed Dragon Howl, Birth of a Hero

D Runner:A black version of Yusei's, only with a white trim.

Ace Card:Armed Dragon LV10/Elemental Hero Eriksheiler



Other:He has many decks, most of them under contruction.

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X Rider App:


Age: (18 Max) 16


Deck: (Can be custom)Blackwing

D Runner: kinda like crows but black with flames

Ace Card: Blackwing Gale the Whirlwind

Apperance: Black shirt with red and black duel disk

Bio: James was born in the satellite and raised. then when they destroyed satellite, he swore he would make the satellite better than ever.


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X-rider app:

Name: Nicholas Hawk

Age: 14

Gender: Male

Deck: Star Beast

D Runner:ferrari1.jpg

Ace Card: 252936x.jpg

effect: There can only be 1 face-up "Skybound Immortal" monster on the field. If there is no face-up Field Spell Card on the field, destroy this card. This card cannot be targeted by the effects of Spell or Trap cards. This card can attack directly. You can pay 100 life points to negate the summon of a monster. This card gains 1000 ATK every time you negate the summon of a monster.


Bio: Not much is known about him

Other: He dosn't know where he came from or what his happened in his past

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Name: Vayne Worthy

Age: 16

Gender: Male

Deck: Silent Awakening

D Runner: 150px-HimuroD-Wheel.png

Ace Card: Final Silent Swordsman

Apperance: 00a5bad29bc6b0_full.jpg

Bio: A young man who grew up in New Domino City. He's pretty anti-social and has a calm personality. He rather take challenges than dish them out. He joined the Dynamo Duel Dome Tournament so he could win the prize money to pay of his family's debts and for the challenge.

Other: Tends to be underestimated by everybody.



Sorry, I hadn't seen the accepting via PM thing.

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Name:Lance Solar

Age: (18 Max) 17


Deck: (Can be custom)

D Runner:Resembles Yusei Fudo’s Duel Runner but instead of being red it’s silver.

Ace Card: Grandmaster of the Six Samurai



Bio: With his Six Sam deck Lance beat the Champ,after this he noticed most of his companies started to envy him.Due to this fact Lance tries to keep is Positivity at a max. He is very Energetic, has positive emotions, and the tendency to seek stimulation of others, hardworking, modest, charitable, loyal, punctual, patient, and a Good-hearted individual with high moral standard.He is a natural leader.( Had to put a Personality in there to)


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Name: Vance Striker

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Deck: Strike Dragons

D Runner: Resembles Yusei Fudo’s Duel Runner but instead of being red it’s Black.

Ace Card: Strike Ninja - Kunai

Apperance: foxdemon2.jpg

Bio: Grew up in Satellite and then when Satellite went under he decided to be the best.

Other: X-Rider (if Possible)

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