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[LOCK]Yu-gi-oh 5D's: Salvation of the Virtual World[LOCK]

Sunshine Jesse

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Rick completely ignored her."He would while I have something he needs." he said holding up Ra "He needs all tree Egytia Gods for his plans. I just thought it mightbesmarter to join him and live a little longer by his side." he said putting Ra away "Once he coquers this world I will stand by his side as his Knight!!" he said sounding poetic. "I wish for nothing more than to serve the TRUE KING of the 2 worlds!" he said raising his arms.

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Rick grined and dropped something into Sigma's pocket. (if she has any) "Fine, I'll return to my master then." he said. Then turning to Azure "He's kinda mad right now, Arthias. He expected you'de be done by now." he then turned ad left back to the human world. "The rst is up to her now." he thought. "My part has just begun." He stood hoping Sigma would know to use Shadi's item. He then ran of in search of the other Egytian Gods.

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Rick sprinted through the city hoping Sigma got his message. "Put it to his forehead an turn clockwise." he whispered in her ear "That Dumbass." he thought "I had no intention of destroying him. Right now I need to find Zarkus." he jumped over the ruble in the city and charged through the carnage

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"Armor Monsters" Black Hole Dragon said, visibly impressed "Ones fashioned in my image and without their old drawback of limiting attacks" The Dragon let out an impressed sigh "That is brilliant"


The mysterious Armor Duelist played a spell card and his right arm grew a sword "There we go" he said cleaving Reign-Beaux in half

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