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[LOCK]Yu-gi-oh 5D's: Salvation of the Virtual World[LOCK]

Sunshine Jesse

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"The funny thing is. I can."


As he spoke the words "I can" The three Devil Gods rose from the floor.


"I believe you guys have not met? Devil Gods meet Sigma.



Sigma meet Devil Gods.


Now, obliterate him! HAHA!"



First the Devils Eraser came flying in, aiming straight for Sigma's heart.


The Devils Dreadroot shot out a fist trying to impail him in the face.


Finally the Devils Avatar glowed a black aura, blinding Sigma, stopping him from seeing.


OoC: Feel free to escape now.

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Sigma smiled as white energy surrounded her, forcing them all back. 'I activate Mark of Penance' Sigma announced. The Wicked Eraser began to writh in agony as the energy surrounded it. It began to morph and become lighter, its demonic attribute melting away as it flew behind Sigma to the face the other two. 'The Mark of Penance, the card that forgives the Wicked Gods. Allow me to show you, Wicked Eraser, I release your torment to end your brethren' Sigma cried. The Wicked Eraser began to crack and the same white energy was released. 'Thank you' it whispered before exploding. 'I only hope your brothers reciprocate' Sigma replied with a smile, then turned to Azure. 'Azure, you claim the Wicked Gods as mere formations of the God's evil. But they are really beings who strayed down the wrong path. I have granted their desire for forgiveness, what could you have possibly offered them?' Sigma demanded. 'Because I'll tell you, nothing. You can offer them nothing that they don't already have. Like your offer, your existance is nothing. I'm finishing this once and for all'.

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While walking through the city he felt that something was going on somewhere else and Kingdom Neos appeared and said "Looks like someones battling the Devil Gods we will need to go and check it out"


"Alright then, lets go" Thomas replied as he activated a feild spell that teleported him to where Azure and the others were.


"Azure, I should of guessed you Red-Eyes Black wannabe had something to do with this." Thomas said as he noticed Azure with the Devil Gods.


OOC: I'll add this interesting guy in.


Name: Shadow

deck: Chaos Destiny Force

appearance: Human_Shadow__The_Wise_One_by_Maxus_the_fox.jpg

background: I virus created during the time were Thomas became an Azure Knight when his old body was formed into a virus which rebuilt itself as an shadow of Thomas fromer self with a deck that similer to his but more powerful.

Game Master/Neo Dark Signer/Other: Virus being

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"I activate Infinite Polymerization! Fusing my 3 gods. Hmph, Come on out The Creator of Darkness! Only rivaled by 1 monster! Show the power of infinity!"


A black infinity symbol fell from the heavens, crashing down where Azure was.


"The card shall now negate everything you play. Attack him, Unlimited Power Burst!"


The combination of the 3 Gods now negated the card Sigma played, dragging both Sigma and Azure into the underworld.


"Welcome to my humble abode."

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"Sigma, pass me a Mark Of Penace card!!" Rick yelled sounding confident. "I'll cure the Devil Gods!! You take down Azure!!!" The confidence in his voice grew with every word. "We need to stop them ALL!!!!! You and Zarcus can't do that alone!!!" His voice was now full of confidence. There was no way Rick could fail.

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OoC: Dude, we're in the real world, this is the true underworld. Also, I'm not an AI anymore >____>


"No, you saw the Virtual Underworld made. This is the true underworld. None of the codes can work here."


The Creator of Darkness hovered behind him. It was evil as the Darkness in Azure.


"You seem to think I'm some sort of character, I was born out of the hatred, sorrow, anguish and all the negative energy given off by humans, I... Am... (OoC: must not say Beowolf.) Death."

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'So, you truly believe that? I pity you. Flesh and blood; you possess that, but you possess nothing else besides cards. Azure, in the end you will see. But for now I wait, and know. You can do what you like I suppose, for soon, the Creator God of Light will be reborn. When and where, I cannot tell you that. But I am sure it will be glorious' Sigma said happily.

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Sigma smirked as she pulled her deck from the disk and chucked them, they scattered about. 'That's just it, they're f**king cards. Two psychopaths seem to think they can take over the world with them. If you don't call that f**ked in the head, I don't know what is!'

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"I don't hold my deck on me. Go on. Search me."


Azure spoke out to Sigma.


"I know this isn't the best way to say this, but I'm not your average villain. Sure I'm psychopathic, but I posess many powers that boggle the minds of everyone, bar 1 person. He shall remain unnamed. Now I'm leaving here, because I do not wish to crush you- yet, you remind me of a certain person, the first to truely challenge me."


The Creator of Darkness disappeared, as Azure sped to the surface, in the Spider Web Field area.


"Hmph, back to work. HAHA!"

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'DON'T TRY TO BE MYSTERIOUS WHEN IT'S ARTHIAS YOU F**KWIT' Sigma shouted. She sighed in annoyance and began to collect her cards, barring one. 'God of Rock' she muttered and looked around, finding it in a black puddle. 'I'm not letting him be corrupted' she added.

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Rick was despratly searching for Shadi. "I need to get to the Shadow Realm an help Sigma out!" he thought. "If I can just-" Shadi appeared in front of him. "You need to find the one who gave your friend that Egyptian God." he said "Yes!" said Rick "I need to get her free!! I need you to take me to her!!" Shadi sighed "I will take you to her!!" he said lifting his key "But in return you must restore the fourth wall. Youmust obtain all the Egytian Gods, including the last one. The Creator Of Light." Rick did not hesitate "Ok" he said determined. Shadi thn place the key on Rick's forehead, and transportng him to the Shadow Realm.

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