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[LOCK]Yu-gi-oh 5D's: Salvation of the Virtual World[LOCK]

Sunshine Jesse

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ooc: lol

Samuel appear in a wasteland that was unlike any other. "I smell rejects." Samuel continue floating until he came upon three metal stone pilliars. "Found you." Samuel begin to touch the pilliars until he was schock and sent back into a wormhole where he land into a field. "Oh so that how you want to play it." A wormhole appear while from a strange distance.

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'The Toon World can hardly be called beautiful. Fascinating covers it more readily. There are many worlds here, as long as one survives, so too will the rest. They always change, but I remain the same because I can no longer learn. Those that cannot learn cannot chnage'.

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Rick: "Damnit where the hell is Sigma!!!"

Shadi: "He is in the Shadow Realm punishing a thief."

David: "But we need to see him! Its important!"

Shadi: "If it is truely a important as you say..." he pulled out his millenium key "...then I shall take you to see him." he placed the millenium key between the 2 of them and teleported them to the shadow realm.

Rick getting increasingly louder: "Great, we're here but where the hell is SIGMA!!!!!" his voice echoed through the Shadows

David: "Let's look for him then." the 2 began too search

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