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[LOCK]Yu-gi-oh 5D's: Salvation of the Virtual World[LOCK]

Sunshine Jesse

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"I reveal my Trap card, Mirage of the Pretender! This card allows me to switch Sigma with an exact token of himself, and if that token is destroyed, he comes back!"




Mirage of the Pretender

Continuous Trap card

Activate only if you control "Knight of Justice - Sigma the Pretender", or "Twin Seeds of Dark and Light - Zarkus & Sigma". Remove "Knight of Justice - Sigma the Pretender", or "Twin Seeds of Dark and Light - Zarkus & Sigma" to Special Summon 1 Token. The Token has the same ATK, DEF, Level, Attribute, Name, and Type of the removed monster. Under no circumstances can the removed monster cannot be returned to your field, deck, hand, or Graveyard except by the effect of this card as long as this card remains face-up on the field. When the Token is removed from the field, the removed monster returns to your field. The activation and effect of this card cannot be negated under any circumstances and it cannot be removed from the field.



OOC: Any response?

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A female warrior slashes and destroys Slate Warrior

[spoiler=Face down card]MiraTheGuardianKnight.jpg


Rick: "Mira's effect alows her to destroy any monster that attacks her with an ATK thats lower than her DEF."

???: "Very good. (perhaps he is one of the chosen one)."

Rick: "My move." Rick looked at the card he drew. " I summon...[spoiler=Heavenly Wolf!"]HeavenlyWolf.jpg


Rick: "And I use my Heavenly Wolf's effect to special summon...[spoiler=Ichiru The Holy Knight]IchiruTheHolyKnight.jpg


Rick: "And I discard two cards from my hand to destroy every monster on your side of the field."

???: "Impresive."

Ichiru slashed and flames engulfed Archfiend Soldier destroying it

Rick: "Now I switch Zurashe to attack mode and enter my battle phase"

Rick: "Zurashe The Swift Knight! Attack!"

???'s life points:4000>2200

Rick: "Heavenly Wolf! Attack!"

???'s life points: 2200>800

Rick: "Game over. Now Ichiru The Holy Knight, finish this duel!"

???'s life points:800>0

Rick put away his cards

Rick: "Now tell where the hell we are!"

???: "It seems I was wrong about you. It is time I leave."

The cloaked man began to disappear

Marcia: "Wait! Can you tell us where we are!?"

But it was too late he was gone.

David watched Zarkus's duel

David: "This is looking bad for him."

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"Its my turn! Draw!"

Jack looked at his cards.

"I activate Cold Wave, preventing either of us from setting or activating Trap cards. I then summon my Summon Priest and, with his effect, ditch Nobleman of Crossout to summon Rose, Warrior or Revenge! I synch Red Dragon Archfiend! Attack his face-down monster now!"

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Sigma was proud of his work. The ancient area had been converted into an eerie temple like place, with the only entrance being a tremendous stone gate. On the gate was the inscription of the Seal of the Dark Oracle, but also two glowing symbols, a captial sigma symbol and a Z. 'Initiate Sigma passcode: 'So long as men can breathe and eyes can see, so long lives this; and this, gives life to thee' he chnated. The sigma symbol glew more brightly. 'Initiate Zarkus passcode: 'Dulce et decorum est, pro patria mori' he recited. The Z glew more brightly as well. 'No one is getting in here ever again' he stated and warped to Zarkus. 'Dueling I see? Well, I've sealed off the Dark Oracle with several codes, for later use' he stated, then looked at Azure. 'Oh for god's sake. Not this little twerp again' he sighed.

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OoC: Zarkus, you copied Azure's appearance in Kio's RP. I like that.


"Haha of course I chain, GO DARK LOCK!"




Dark Lock

Trap Card

Activate only when your Opponent activates a Continuous Trap Card. Flip the Trap facedown, regardless of effect. Flip it face-up after the 5th Standby Phase of this cards activation.

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