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[LOCK]Yu-gi-oh 5D's: Salvation of the Virtual World[LOCK]

Sunshine Jesse

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Arthias teleported next to Sigma.

"I have discovered something... very interesting."

He rose his arm up as an exact clone of him arose from the ground.

"I have complete control over Artificial Intelligence of all types..."

He snapped his finger and the AI dissapeared.

"Tell me Sigma, wouldn't it be great having your body back? Being alive again?"

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Arthias smirked.

"Its funny... its really funny how it worked."

He started walking around the area.

"Sigma, the network I told you about, the seperate one that could merge the real world with the network... remember? Remember how when the viral cores were activated, their insignia appeared in the real world? Remember how Zarkus's dark half merged the network and the new one, and how Zarkus's actual body appeared while in the network itself?"

Arthias stopped and looked at Sigma

"I reactivated that network. I tried it out... I managed to merge a little portion of the network with the real world... I showed up on Alcatraz island. It didn't work fully because I lacked the energy to spread it around the whole world."

He let off a crooked smile.

"But when I was in the real world, my real body came back! I was human again, with a beating heart and everything! We could merge that network, and the real world, and this network together! All AIs could enjoy a real existence, and you..."

Arthias started laughing.

"You and I could be living people again! All we need, is more energy to fuel it! So, how about it! Will you help me gain the needed energy to fully merge them together?"

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"You're wrong Sigma."

The entire Virtual World started shaking.

"The Dark Signers were originally AIs created by me... AIs created by me to gather the energy needed from duelists! As a matter of fact, every event up to this point, Zarkus dying and coming back, Neziarx's rise and fall, the events surrounding Gozaburo and Zarkus's Dark Half, and even you dying..."

"Were all planned by me! Yes! Its almost done! We have 55% of our needed energy! Haha... HAHAHA.... AHAHAHAHAHA!!!!"

"We need a little more energy... almost there." Godwin said, after placing the Nazca Lines card in the separate network.

"Now all we need is to collect the residual energy from Zarkus's Dark Soul cards, and I know exactly where to find them!"

Arthias teleported away, to the area where the Viral Cores used to be

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Sigma activated his own card. 'Field Spell, Symbol of Hope' Sigma counted. A white ten pointed star emanated from him and began forcing the darkness back. 'You honestly think that I wouldn't have created a counter to almost every OP card in this game? I created the Symbol of Hope to end the Seal of the Dark Oracle Arthias. FOr it negates and destroys any Seal of the Dark Oracle in play, reguardless of effect because I am so god damned fed up with people thinking they can use whatever god damned card they bloody well please' Sigma replied.

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Arthias snapped his finger.

"Reveal Dark Bribe to negate it. Sorry Sigma, but it all begins here!"

"Not so fast!"

Zarkus teleported in to the area

"Arthias! Stop this now!"

Arthias smirked as he glowed a dark red color.

"I'll make a deal with you. If you beat me in a duel, I'll end all of this!"

A duel disk appeared on his arm.

"Fine then!"

Zarkus unsheathed his sword and a "4000" appeared over his head.


OOC: Expecting Sigma to join in, sorta

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OOC: Zark, me Arth. It allows for easier transgression.


IC: Sigma held his hand up. 'No, you hold onto them, you'll need them more than I do' he said with a smirk. 'Okay Arthias, Zarkus will go first, then I shall, then you. No one can attack their first turn' Sigma stated.

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"I have no issues with it."

"Its my turn! I draw! I activate the Spell card Destiny Draw. I discard Destiny Hero - Dasher to draw 2 cards. I then discard another to Special Summon Dark Grepher, and set a monster! I set 2 cards and end my turn."

Hand: 1

LP: 4000

S/T: 2 F/D

Monsters: Grepher, Face-down

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Sigma drew a card. 'I'm going to start by activating my Failed Audition spell. Now then, I'll also add to my revenue the Will you Join the Dance spell. So, I'll summon my Black Serenade - Oboe Boe Boe and use Will you join to grab my One Man Band Level 1 in defence mode' Sigma announced. Both monsters appeared on the field and played their instruments. 'I'll end my turn'.

[spoiler=Cards Used]



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"My turn. I draw! I activate my Field Spell card..."


"Seal of the Dark Oracle!"

Said seal surrounded Arthias as he glowed red and let off a dark grin.

"Now I activate Protection of the Dark Oracle! All effect damage I take will become 0 as long as this card is on the field! Now I activate Dark Soul Bounty and discard Dark Soul Golem to draw 4 cards! I summon Dark Soul Skull King and Special Summon Dark Soul Jester and Dark Soul! Now, Synchro Summon, arise, Dark Soul Chaos King!"

[spoiler=current stats]

-Cannot be destroyed

-Can attack twice.



"All that in the first turn?"

"Chaos King, attack Dark Grepher and Zarkus's face-down!"

"My face-down monster was Marshmallon, so he isnt destroyed... but I reveal my Tap card, Rainbow Life!"

LP: 6800

LP: 7000

"I set 1 card and end."

"Its my turn! I draw! I activate the Spell card Angel of Charity! Now we all can discard whatever and draw until we have 6."

"I discard Dark Soul Archfiend."

[spoiler=current stats of King]

-Cannot be destroyed

-Can attack twice.

-Unaffected by Spells/Traps



"Now I summon Junk Synchron! Now, Synchro Summon, Brionac! I use his effect and-"

"Reveal Trap card. Synchro Retribution. You lose his ATK in LP and his effect is negated."

"God damn it! I set 1 card and end..."

Hand: 4

S/T: 2

Monsters: 1

LP: 4500



This card cannot be removed from the field. Increase the ATK of all "Dark Soul" monsters by 1000, and you can choose to negate any costs they have. This card's controller's Spell & Trap Card Zones are also treated as Monster Card Zones. However, monsters in the Spell & Trap Card Zones cannot be declared as an attack target unless their controller's Monster Card Zones are unoccupied. If this card's effect is negated, destroy all Monster Cards in your Spell & Trap Card Zones. During your End Phase, you can tribute 2 DARK monsters. If you do not, take 5000 damage.


Protection of the Dark Oracle

Cont. Spell

As long as this card remains on the field, all effect damage you take by your own cards becomes 0, and no other Field Spell cards can be activated. If "Seal of the Dark Oracle" is face-up on the field, this card cannot be removed from the field.



You can Special Summon this card from your hand if you control a "Dark Soul" monster. When this card is used for a Synchro Summon, destroy all cards on your side of the field aside from the summoned monster or take 3000 damage.



This card can attack twice per Battle Phase. During your End Phase, remove 2 cards in your Graveyard from play. If you cannot, take 3000 damage.



"Dark Soul Jester" + 1 or more non-Tuner monsters

The Synchro Summon of this card cannot be negated. This card gains the effect of any "Dark Soul" monsters in your Graveyard. During your End Phase, return this card to the Extra Deck or take 4000 damage.


Angel of Charity


All players can discard any cards from their hand. After, all players draw until they're holding 6


Synchro Retribution

Counter Trap

Activate when your opponent Synchro Summons a Synchro monster. Inflict damage to your opponent equal to the ATK of the monster and negate its effect.



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Sigma draws a card. 'I drew Black Serenade - Demon Flutist, but I'll discard it by Failed Audition to draw another card. During my stand-by phase my One-Man Band increases in level to 3' Sigma stated. More instruments began to form on the band, and they still played in sync. 'Okay now, I summon my Doom Guitarist to the field, and thanks to Will you join, I'll summon my Super Groupies to the Field in defence. But Doom won't be staying, as I activate Standing In, to tribute him to summon my Forgotten Violinist from my deck to the field in DEF mode. I'll finish this by activating Be the Band, turning every monster without Black Serenade in their name to become one. So Brionic and every monster in either grave is now a Black Serenade, meaning your precious King loses his help from the grave and seal' Sigma said venomously as Brionac was given a set of drums and the king a guitar. 'I'll finally activate Mystic Barrier, which prevents all continuous spells besides this one from being destroyed'.


M: 4 - One Man Band lv3, Forgotten Violinist, Oboe Boe Boe, Super Groupies

S/T: 4 - Failed Audition, Be the Band, Will you Join the Dance?, Mystic Barrier

H: 1


[spoiler=Cards Used]



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"Then I guess its time for something new! I draw!"

Arthias looked at his new card.

"I activate Heavy Storm! I then Special Summon my Dark Soul - Nightmare Angel from my hand! Now I use her effect, paying 2000 LP to reduce the Level of my Chaos King by 10! Now, Dark Tunning!"


"Dark Tuning? My Dark Soul monsters had nothing of the sort..."


"When the King falls, a dark power beyond even that of the Gods will awaken! Become the messenger for this ultimate power! Dark Synchro, show yourself, Dark Soul - Nightmare Reaper!"

A gate opened and a red-clad demon-reaper came out of it.

"I then activate my Lightning Vortex to clear your field! Unfortunately, Super Groupies is unaffected. Nightmare Reaper, attack the Super Groupies!"

The reaper, rather violently, tore out the souls of the Groupies as they appeared on his side of the field.

"Unfortunately, you get a Black Serenade monster out of the deal. But I can manage. I set 2 cards and end."

LP: 5000

Monsters: 2

S/T: 2


"Its my turn! I draw!"

The card Zarkus drew started glowing, and Zarkus smiled.

"I summon Dark Grepher! But don't blink!"

He held the card up in the air.

"Lend me your strength, Legend of Heart!"

*insert dramatic Summoning sequence here*

"I set 2 cards and end my turn"

LP: 3500

Hand: 1

Monsters: 3

S/T: 2

OOC: The next few turns will consist of him owning us, probably >_>


[spoiler=Oops, forgot the cards >_O]


This card cannot be destroyed by card effects. When this card destroys an opponent's monster by battle, remove the destroyed monster from play and Special Summon one "Enslaved Soul Token". The Token has the same ATK, DEF, Level, Type, Atrribute, and Effect of the destroyed monster. This card gains 500 ATK for every "Enslaved Soul Token" on the field. During your End Phase, tribute one "Enslaved Soul Token" or take 4000 damage.



You can Special Summon this card from your hand by taking 2000 damage. This card can also count as a Tuner monster. Once per turn, select one monster on the field. Pay Life Points in multiples of 200 to increase or decrease the level of the selected monster by 1 for every 200 points paid.



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Sigma smirked as a card popped out of disk and played it on the field. 'I summon Black Serenade - Aspiring Artist, and guess what, since my Mstic Barrier protected my spell cards, I'll have a surprise for you' Sigma said as he drew a card. ' I tribute my Aspiring Artist for my Black Serenade - Archangel of Rock, as it can count for two tributes, but don't blink, as now, he is granted the use of his effect as well. So, I send from my deck all but one monster card, to Special Summon Black Serenade - God of Rock' Sigma continued. The heavenly being rose up from behind him as a golden card snaked up to the top of his deck. 'I can't attack however, so turn end'.


GOR: 13200/13200 (44 x 300 (4 for Arthias, 4 from you and 36 from me))


[spoiler=Card's Used]



Black Serenade - Aspiring Artist



If this card is a Tribute for the Tribute Summon of a Level 7 or higher 'Black Serenade' Monster, this card can count as two Tributes. If the Monster this card was Tributed for has an activatable Effect, it is activated immediataly reguardless of Effects. The Summoned Monster cnanot attack the turn it was summoned.


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Drake was "conversing" with his old/new Spirit Partner "Really?" He asked dumbfounded "You were Shadow Demon this entire time?" The monster managed a shrug somehow and started cooing out syllables "Oh I see"


Mark was God only knows where doing God only knows what


OOC: Rep if you're the first person to guess Drake's Spirit Partner right on the first try

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