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[LOCK]Yu-gi-oh 5D's: Salvation of the Virtual World[LOCK]

Sunshine Jesse

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Sigma sighed hwilst watching Ryuko's assault. 'Why does everyone tyr to unleah some kind of reckoning, I f**king hate the clean up afterwards. I could just strike him out, I have other powers Zarkus and Arthy aren't quite aware of' Sigma monolouged and teleported to them. 'Honestly now, end this quickly so this guy can be swept under the rug' he said to Arthias.

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OOC: Zarkus, what are you planning on doing with Jack?

And I thought everything's OK now that Neziarx is dead...

And he is permanently gone.

ANU replaced everything that was Neziarx inside what is now Jack with a personality core mimicking Jack Atlas.

So you can't bring him back.


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OOC: Yay!

PM me what these "upgrades' are.

I will now denote my two characters by "Carly:" and "Jack:"

For example....

IC: Unfortunately, Zarkus couldn't carry ALL of Jack, so Carly got stuck with one part: his head.

Carly: "I'm so sorry, Jack-kun!" she cried, seeming a bit embarrassed to be carrying her boyfriend's disembodied head.

Jack: "Just keep going, love." he replied, seeming worried about what was going to happen next.

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What Arthias left behind was only a doll. It was an AI of himself that he made... the real Arthias was in the old Viral Core area, investigating where the portal used to be.

"Maybe, just maybe..."

He pulled out the last remaining, sterilized sample of the old virus, and threw it down. The portal opened, and he jumped in it.

"Ah yes! This area! This is the separate network!"

He was in a white, featureless plane with the portal at the top, and the greek letters "Alpha", "Zeta", "Mu", "Phi", and "Omega" etched on the ground.

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Meanwhile, Azure was still on top where he dueled Arthias.


He reached into his pocket. He pulled out his real deck. He then pulled a spell and trap from it.


"I activate the Space Tower and the Time Tower cards!"


Two monumental towers rose from th ground.


"Now I activate the Field Spell; Parallel Darkness!"


A black hole appeared in between the towers.




The roar that the destruction gave off could be heard from everywhere. The whole virtual world was shaking.

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OOC: Sigma is a Game Master that can worm his way into anywhere still in the network.


IC: Sigma sighed in annoyance and frustration. 'Look luv, I've had a long day, partially due to cleaning up some mistakes and reviving Zarkus' duel spirit. Now I am in no mood for recoding the area that you are destroying. So deactivated your cards and stop this' he reasoned.

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Sigma threw his hands up in frustration. 'Alright then, proxy modtype, delete zone' he ordered. Both towers vanished as the data was removed, leaving nothing but white patches. 'Sigma command, reload data circa 010709' he continued. The area reverted back to the way it was before the towers and field. 'I am not a normal person either. I live within this damned world and I can control it almost freely. Foreign bodies like yourself just upset the game' he replied.

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Sigma wasn't at all put off. 'No I don't and obviously I don't care either. Stop destroying the game and leave. Seriously, why does EVERYONE think they're special enough to rebel and attempt to destroy this game. It boggles my mind as to why a virtual yugioh game would be under such fire' he stated. 'Oh yeah, Sigma command, reload data circa 010709' he added.

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