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[LOCK]Yu-gi-oh 5D's: Salvation of the Virtual World[LOCK]

Sunshine Jesse

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Ryoku Entered his Own House to Find Jenis and Lyla, As Ryoku Screamed again, His Marks Turned a Blood Red while the Rest of his Skin turned Pitch Black, His Eyes Also Turned Black with a Scarlet Iris, He Swung his Axe, But Lyla Used Lightsworn Barrier to Block the Attack, Allowing Jenis to Escape.....

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OOC: I didn't see that coming.


As Thomas still felt the pain in his hand he shouted "Hay Creepy Red-Eyes Black Dragon Wanna be whats with you appearing like this" feeling very agrivated over the pain but for a split second he thought Wait did I really say that, this isn't going to end well

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(> Blame Flatspace, Most of the Things i do on there Require myself to capitalize the Beginning Letter of each word <)


Ryoku was Getting Mad because Jenis Got away, He was Swinging his Axe like Crazy, Hitting the Barrier Rapidly, Then He Slammed His Axe on the Ground, Causing the Ground Under Lyla To Turn into a Portal, Dropping Lyla Inside the Different Dimension, Then He Slams his Axe on the Ground, Destroying the Whole City in the Realm of Light.....

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OOC: Oh yeah! I forgot!

The other Dark Signers that were killed by Neziarx are back to normal and are now cured of their virus. This means that places aren't destroyed when they summon their Earthbound Immortal. This also means that they have lost the ability to turn their eyes black and have lost their facial tattoos. Rudger and Rex now look similar to before they became Dark Signers. But they still have their Dark Signer robes and Duel Disks.

Also, everywhere that Neziarx destroyed was rebuilt, so Podalge and Antiope, now back to normal, went back to their respective villages. Ariana, Rudger's Deck Master, returned to his side.

But Morgan, too altered to be turned back, is now just a normal Tempest Magician, but is still Carly's Deck Master.

BTW, Jack's Deck Master is Red Dragon Archfiend.

Jack has an Archfiend Beatdown Deck, while Carly has a Fortune Lady/Spellcaster Swarm Deck.

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