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[LOCK]Yu-gi-oh 5D's: Salvation of the Virtual World[LOCK]

Sunshine Jesse

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Ryoku Woke Up in a Labyrinth of Mirrors, He Saw that He had taken another Form, And he also felt that Both his Personalities are Fused Back together.... And with the Evil Personality Controlling the Fused Personalities, Dark Marks Appeared all over his Face, and His Face Seared with Pain, Ryoku Then Teleported Back to the Realm of Light......

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Sigma nodded thoughtfully. 'I visited that world. Zarkus and I were 'investigating' the columns that held the card's when we found an entry portal to a totally messed up world. There we found Noah and his father. They followed us back to this world and Zarkus and I beat Gozaburo back to the dark ages. Noah then sacrificed himself to bring me back and end all holders of the cores'.

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OOC: Popping in.

IC: Misty clung onto Kiryu, scared at what was about to happen next.

"I don't know..." she replied.

Then she saw some sort of portal form and several figures step out.

The first looked like a young cyborg angel girl.

The next few looked like several Duel Monsters that had gone Dark Signer.

The last one was a Dark Signer with orange-red markings, green and silver hair, silver-blue eyes, and a slight tan.

"Carly?" Misty asked rhetorically.

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IC: Misty was very confused at Kiryu's sudden change of behavior as she watched his criminal mark darken and turn the color of dried blood.

She refused his latest advance and turned away from him.

"I thought you had changed..." she muttered loud enough for him to hear.

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Ryoku's Face Searing with Pain, He went to try and See Jenis, but was Blocked by Jain and Garoth, He Noticed that he had a Bronze Axe in his Hand and He Said Out of Anger "LET.ME.THROUGH!" At which he Swung his Axe at Garoth and Jain, and Knocked them in the Air into a Nearby Building, Some of his Pain Went away, but Not for long, He went into the Realm of Light and His whole Body was Searing With Pain, Out of Rage, He attacked Many People to try to Make his way to Jenis, The Lightsworn Mender, But He was So blind with Rage that he Even attacked Judgment Dragon......

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OOC: You rang?

IC: Carly looked down at Neziarx in the arena he had created. He was virtually dying (whether or not that was intended is for me to know and you to guess...) and was about to destroyed.

Carly knelt down to him and held up his head, looking him in the face. She had on an expression of ambivalence as she said to Neziarx "Your fate isn't mine to decide. It's theirs." she motioned to her Deck Masters, as well as the specters of the Dark Signers Neziarx had absorbed, Misty, and Kiryu.

A courtroom appeared around Neziarx as Rex, Rudger, Demak, Greiger, Podalge, Antiope, Ariana, Morgan, a Sun Dragon Inti, a Moon Dragon Quilla, a Dark Flat Top, and a Demonic Monkey King Zeman sat down in the Jury Box. Carly took the judge's chair as Sara took the position as the prosecutor.

"Let the trial of Neziarx vs Virtual World commence!" Carly exclaimed as she pounded her gavel.

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OOC: The Dark Signers are actually still kinda dead, but more or less wont be after this. Depends.


Neziarx punched the ground.

"I have a better idea."

Zarkus held his sword up against Neziarx's neck.

"...I guess it really is over for me."

From out of Neziarx's body, the Earthbound Gods and their respective Geoglyphs came out.

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