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[LOCK]Yu-gi-oh 5D's: Salvation of the Virtual World[LOCK]

Sunshine Jesse

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OOC: No! You must staaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa*shot*

Go ahead. Gonna edit this post with the moves


"Its my turn! I draw. I start out by discarding Destiny Hero - Dasher to Special Summon Dark Grepher. I set a monster and 2 cards. Turn end."

Hand: 1

Monsters: 2

S/T: 2


"Alright then! I activate the Spell card, Graceful Charity. I draw 3 and discard 2. I set a monster in defense mode, and 2 cards as well. Turn end."


"I draw. I flip my face-down Ryko, Lightsworn Hunter to destroy your monster! I attack you directly with Dark Grepher!"


LP: 6300

"I flip Damage Condenser! Come on out, Junk Synchron!"


"Turn end..."

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Saizen woke up from his sleep on the rock he had been lieing while hearing the voices. A huge, no... a massive screen had appeared above the ocean and that Saizen could see it from the beach even thought it happened to be atleast 300 metres away on the ocean.

"Zarkus... and that Neziarx guy. So... you are finally making your move Zarkus, good luck.", he said to himself and started to watch his eyes very tight on the screen. He could see couple other players, probably normal everyday gamers gather on the beach and some of them randomly vanishing... logging out.

"Guess the moderators and stuff in the real world don't won't to take risks on this 'virus-cleaning' mission. Good idea actually... that Neziarx guy did have some kind of powers of his own.", Saizen thought remembering the fact how he had been trapped by him to the Ancient Area.

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OOC: Skipping ahead about 5 turns.


Neziarx's turn

LP: 5100

Hand: 2

Monsters: Dark End Dragon (1600 ATK), Spirit Reaper (face-up defense)

S/T: 1 F/D

Field: Nazca Lines

"Its my turn. I draw!"

Zarkus LP: 5900

Monsters: Gellunduo (face-up defense)

S/T: 1 F/D

Hand: 4

"Go on..."

"I tribute my Dark End Dragon and Spirit Reaper! Come forth, Earthbound God - Illapa Camac, use your special effect to destroy Zarkus's cards!"

"I use Zero Gardna's effect!"

"I activate my Deck Master's ability to negate it! Illapa Camac, attack Zarkus directly!"

LP: 2500 (5900-2900-500)


"I end my turn."

Zarkus barely managed to fend off Neziarx's attacks for the next few turns...

LP: 1200

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"I guess its time to play all out now... I summon my deck master! Activate her special ability! I remove Gellunduo and Dark Grepher! Now, attack his Earthbound God!"

ATK: 6800

His Deck Master's sword started glowing as she dashed towards the triangle, slicing it in half.

LP: 1200

"Looks like that move brought us about even..."

"Indeed it did. I set 3 cards and end."

Hand: 1

S/T: 3

Monsters: 1

"I summon my own Deck Master and then set 3 cards..."

Hand: 1

S/T: 3

Monsters: 1


OOC: Prepare for epic Spell/Trap struggle.

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Saizen watched the duel still lieing on his rock.

"Zarkus, what is this? Is this really all you had after all? Your dueling as clumsy way as against me... with no real intent to win. Get a hold of yourself, Zarkus! I know you can hear me even if your so far away. Clean that annoying bastard smile off from that face!", Saizen shout... still lieing on his rock... too relaxed... he was the one to not take this seriously.

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Zarkus heard what Saizen said.

"Yessir. I draw! Phasmatis Talea, attack Animus Pessum Ire! I flip my Trap card, Bandit's Glee! I can increase the ATK of one monster I control by 500 for every Spell/trap on the field!"

ATK: 6900

"I reveal my own Trap card - Dimension Wall! Instead of I, you take the damage! Since battle damage occurs before destruction, you lose!"

"Reveal Trap card, Barrier of the Warrior's heart! This turn, all battle damage I take is reduced to 0!"

"Then I reveal my Trap card, Royal Imitation! It allows me to imitate your Bandit's Glee!"

ATK: 7100

"Reveal face-down card, Front Line Combat! It allows me to activate the effect of 1 monster during the damage step! Activate the effect of my Deck Master to double her attack points!"

ATK: 13800

"Then I reveal my own Front Line Combat to reduce her ATK to 0 by my monster's effect! You have no more Traps! Its over!"

Zarkus smiled.

"Activate the effect of Honest! Now her ATK matches yours!"

The attacks of the monsters met, and caused a large explosion which almost crashed the server...


Royal Imitation


Select 1 Trap card on the field. This card gains the effect of the selected card.


Front Line Combat

Quick-play Spell

Activate during the damage step. Select 1 monster on the field, and activate it's effect.


Bandit's Glee


The selected monster gains 500 ATK for every Spell or Trap card on the field.



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"The effect of both of our monsters activate. We discard a card instead of them being destroyed..."

"Indeed. The card I discarded was Fiend Roar Diety Zen, which allows me to draw a card. I set it, and end my turn."

Hand: 0

Monsters: 1

S/T: 1


Fiend Roar Diety Zen

Level 2


0 ATK / 0DEF


When this card is sent from your hand to your Graveyard, draw 1 card.



OOC: Giving everyone some cooldown time, lol

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Both deck masters were unharmed due to their effect.

"What do you say we finish this?"

"I'd like nothing more. I activate Card of Sanctity to fill up our hands! Now, Animus Pessum Ire, attack!"

"Reveal Trap card, Back Line Retreat! It returns my Deck Master to my Deck Master Zone and prevents you from inflicting damage on me this turn!"

"Not bad. I set 1 card and end."

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A few turns passed, and neither side did damage to the other.

Zarkus field

Monsters: 1 F/D

S/T: 1

Hand: 4


"Why... can't I deal any more damage to you!?" Neziarx yelled.

Hand: 1

Monsters: 1 (Deck Master)

S/T: 3

He drew a card from his deck, and grinned.

"Zarkus, victory is mine! I activate Monster Reborn to bring back Dark End Dragon! Now, I use Polymerization to merge my Deck Master and Dark End Dragon!"

Neziarx folded his arms and started glowing as the ground around him cracked.

"When the gates to the underworld open, a mighty dragon will arise.

The heavens will rend and the earth will sunder

The mighty name of this dragon will spell my foe's demise.

The roar of this dragon will echo with almighty thunder..

Tear my opponent from his bodily shell!

Blow my opponent to the ninth circle of hell!

Arise! The God of Chaos and Order, Imperator Deus Dragon!"

A large dragon arose from the earth. The ground around the dragon disintegrated. The buildings burned to the ground.

"Now, Imperator Deus Dragon, attack Zarkus now! End of Creation - Ultimate Hellfire!"

"I activate the effect of Necro Gardna to negate your attack..."

"It doesn't matter. Its all over! I end my turn."


"All you have to do is relax, and I will make you a part of me. Together, we can take over this world. The entire world."

"... I don't know. Ever since I was reborn, all I wanted was to end things. Maybe, maybe I really can end it for myself. For everyone."

"Just put your hand over your duel disk, and surrender. Come, let us make a new world!"

Zarkus looked down at the ground, and thought to himself for a few minutes.

"...Yes, its the only way"

He started moving his hand near his duel disk to surrender




1 Level 7 or higher Dragon-type monster + 1 Level 10 or higher DARK-type monster.

This card cannot be Special Summoned, except by a Fusion Summon of the above Fusion Material Monsters. This card gains the effects of the Fusion Material monsters. When this card is Summoned, destroy all other cards on the field. Other card effects cannot be activated in response to the effect or Summoning of this card. Under no circumstances can the effect of this card be negated. This card cannot be destroyed or targeted by card effects.



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Zarkus looked up.

"The effect of my Salvation Draw allows me to draw 2 cards instead of 1 during my next Draw Phase. I Special Summon Dark Grepher with the effect of my Destiny Hero - Dasher."

"Looks like you're letting off one final resistance. Well, I can't wait for you to become part of me."



"No. funk that. funk your plan, and funk you."

Zarkus's second card started glowing.

"Sigma, thank you for this. I pay 1000 Life Points and tribute my Dark Grepher"

He held it up in the air.



Three bolts of lightning struck the ground and 3 blank cards appeared

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"Now, arise, the three legendary knights of Atlantis! Legendary Knight Critias!"

Critas arose from where the lightning struck


"Legendary Knight Hermos!"

Hermos Arose from another bolt

"Its time to end this!"

"And Legendary Knight Timaeus!"

And Timaeus from the final one.

"Neziarx! We will annihilate you once and for all!"

"H-how!? How can you... do that?!"

"I activate the effect of Legendary Knight Timaeus! From my deck, I activate the Spell card Pot of Greed! I set 1 card and end my turn."

Hand: 1

Monsters: 3

S/T: 1

"Gr... I draw!"

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"Deus Dragon, attack Legendary Knight Timaeus!"

"I use the effect of Hermos to direct the attack to him! I then remove Dark Grepher, Ryko, Destiny Hero - Dasher, Destiny Hero - Diamond Dude, and Gellunduo to multiply his ATK by 5!"

ATK: 14000

"Not so fast! I remove Shield Warrior in my Graveyard from play and discard Kuriboh to prevent myself from taking damage!"

"Kuriboh? Who runs that?"

"I'll... end my turn."

"Its time to finish this once and for all! I activate the effect of Timaeus to activate my ultimate Spell card! Destined Polymerization! This card allows me to force a fusion between any 3 monsters, regardless of whether their fusion monster could be summoned this way!"

The Legendary Knights looked at each other and lept into the air.

"Arise, the ultimate monster, Knight of Destiny!"

"No... no!"

"Knight of Destiny, attack Deus Dragon! End of Destiny - Justice Slash!"

Deus Dragon was cut clear in half, and the shockwave hit Neziarx, ripping his player character into pieces.

"No... I will not die here!"

He teleported away.

"I hijacked his teleporting code to someone who would be quite happy to see him this way..."

Zarkus sighed a sigh of relief.

"Its over."

His Dark Signer markings dissapeared in real life.

He happened to teleport to where Carly was, cut in half at the waist, with the upper right side of his head gone and his left arm torn off

"Help me... please! Please Carly... forgive me for what I've done!""

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