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[LOCK]Yu-gi-oh 5D's: Salvation of the Virtual World[LOCK]

Sunshine Jesse

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OOC: Back.

IC: Carly approached the city of Plat'Nam, Capital of Dark World, and swiftly defeated the guards with a nasty Harpie swarm. The castle guards were marginally tougher, but only marginally, and didn't stand a chance against her Fortune Ladies. The Amazonesses took care of Gren and Kahkki, and Carly was just mopping up Brron with her Spiders...


"He he he he....you may win against me, little girl, but can you win against MY master, hmm?" Brron cackled as his Zure and Renge were swiftly destroyed after Carly played Sacrifice Spider. (1300 LP)


"Probably." Carly responded. "I now activate my Deck Master's effect!"


Underground Arachne (Deck Master)

Ability: Brood Mother

When a Defense Position monster on your opponent's side of the field is sent to your opponent's Graveyard, you may Special Summon 1 LV4 or lower Insect-type monster from your Graveyard.


"I can now Special Summon the Spyder Spider and Ground Spider you destroyed earlier!"



"Spyder Spider, finish him off!" (Brron: 0 LP)

Brron cackled as he dissolved into motes of light.

"Now you may face off against Reign-Beaux, the Overlord of our Dark World!! Good luck!!! You're gonna need it!!!! HA HA HA HA HA!!!!!"

The multi-colored giant of a Dark Worlder stood up off of his throne, accompanied by his two somewhat-smaller-but-still-huge-compared-to-Carly minions.

Carly simply smirked as she readied her Duel Disk.

"YOU WILL PAY FOR WHAT YOU DID TO RUDGER!!!" she cried as she began the last duel that Dark World would ever see...

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OOC: Quick-Play spell card


Drake drew his card and smiled "I activate Demon's Blade" He said playing the equip spell card "This card allows the equipped monster to gain 600 Attack points and inflict piercing damage" Demon's Warlord's sword was replaced by a vicious looking scimitar "Now Demon's Warlord, attack his face down monster! Hell's Rampage!"


OOC2:Demon's Blade/Spell Card/Equip/Effect: Increase the ATK of the equipped card by 600. During battle between equipped monster a Defense Position monster whose DEF is lower than the ATK of the equipped monster, inflict the difference as Battle Damage to your opponent.


OOC3: Blackwing, don't even try it lol



Monster: Demon's Warlord

S/T: Demon's Blade


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OOC: Quick-Play spell card


Drake drew his card and smiled "I activate Demon's Blade" He said playing the equip spell card "This card allows the equipped monster to gain 600 Attack points and inflict piercing damage" Demon's Warlord's sword was replaced by a vicious looking scimitar "Now Demon's Warlord' date=' attack his face down monster! [b']Brooklyn Rampage[/b]!"


OOC2:Demon's Blade/Spell Card/Equip/Effect: Increase the ATK of the equipped card by 600. During battle between equipped monster a Defense Position monster whose DEF is lower than the ATK of the equipped monster, inflict the difference as Battle Damage to your opponent.


OOC3: Blackwing, don't even try it lol



Monster: Demon's Warlord

S/T: Demon's Blade


ooc:nah? whatcha talkn bout nah?

James: "Wow. This is one nice place.

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"Life isn't fair. The life that you're about to lose."

Neziarx walked up to Drake and stabbed him in the chest. His player character disintegrated, and his data flowed into Neziarx.

"...he didn't have an Earthbound God with him, and it didn't register in the Nazca Line card... how?"

Neziarx looked up.

"Damn, while I have his powers, I dont have his Earthbound... Oh well, I think I know where to get it." he said, teleporting away

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OOC: 'kay.

IC: Lightning crashed and the ground shook in the city of Plat'nam as the Dark World outside of the Spider Geoglyph dissolved into the void. The citizens panicked for the first time in their lives as they attempted to flee the Geoglyph. In the palace, the center of the impending doom, Carly was at a virtual stalemate against Reign-Beaux, who's Deck Master ability had her at odds with the insidious ruler.


Reign-Beaux, Overlord of Dark World (Deck Master)

Ability: Dark Blessing of the Overlord

Once per turn, you may increase the ATK of a DARK Fiend-type monster on your side of the field by 1000. Then you discard a card from your hand, and draw 2 cards.


Reign-Beaux had his servants, Goldd, Sillva, and Brron, as well as himself, on his side of the field, while Carly had managed to use her Dark Deck Master ability on Podalge to Special Summon Uru as her new Deck Master.


Earthbound Immortal Uru (Deck Master)

Ability: Earthbound Power: Spider Ensnare

Once per turn, you may take control of 1 LV4 or lower monster on your opponent's side of the field until the End Phase. If this monster is on your side of the field, you may then destroy 1 card on the field.


"My turn." Carly was pretty worn out from her duels, and their were taking their toll on her morale. (400 LP)

"I draw, and I play Duel Master Duo!" (200 LP)


Duel Master Duo


You may only play this card if you have a Deck Master on your side of the field. Pay half of your Life Points. Special Summon 1 monster from your Deck. This monster counts as a Deck Master along with your current Deck Master.


"I can now Summon Earthbound Immortal Aslla Piscu onto my field as another Deck Master!" (2500 ATK)


Earthbound Immortal Aslla Piscu (Deck Master)

Ability: Earthbound Power: Hummingbird Gust

Once per turn, you may remove this monster from play until your next Standby Phase to inflict damage to your opponent's Life Points equal to the total Level Stars of your opponent's face-up monsters x 100. (This monster still counts as being on your side of the field when removed from play.) When this monster is Special Summoned, you may destroy 1 card on the field.


More destruction occurred when the Hummingbird Geoglyph appeared within the city, overlapping the Spider Geoglyph.

Both sides of Carly's left arm were glowing.

"I now activate Uru's effect, allowing me to take control of your Brron, and I can destroy your face-down! Next, I will activate Aslla Piscu's effect and remove it from play, inflicting 1800 Points of damage to your Life Points!" (Reign-Beaux: 2400 -> 600 LP)

"Now, Uru, attack his Goldd!" (Reign-Beaux: 0 LP)

Now I am avenged... Rudger seemed to think into Carly's mind as the world around her disintegrated.....

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OOC: K just disregard that post then


Mark noticed an asterisk fade away on his watch "Well that narrows the possible targets to..." He zoomed it out all the way and switched to passive duel energy mode "Two people in the Skyscraper 2 area" He said noticing them first and zooming in "Good thing I used to have an Elemental Hero deck" He chuckled triggering the original Skyscraper Of course, it doesn't help that I traded in before the upgrade got mass produced he thought walking the distance to Hero City

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IC: Meanwhile, thousands of gigabytes away...


"Come on, you can reach it!"


"Almost there!"


"I can feel it!"

A large explosion could be heard, then the lights turn on to reveal a very messy study, with an elderly man in very strange purple clothing and a young woman with green robes and a headband.

"Well, Morgan, there goes our brilliant idea of a seance in complete darkness..." the elder man grimly stated.

"It's OK, Master Theseus..." Morgan replied. "But don't I have some sort of exam tomorrow?"

"Oh yes!" Theseus realized. "The Summoning Exam!"

"Morgan, you are one of the Exemplars, so you specialize in Summoning. It is imperative that you ace that exam!"

"Yes sir..." Morgan agreed. "But I have always wanted to be something other than what my family has always been...I want to be...a Magician!"

"Morgan, your family has been Exemplars for-"

"countless generations. I know, Master."

"Then you realize your place in society!" Theseus seems a bit depressed after snapping like that. "Maybe someday..." he adds, with a smile on his old, bearded face, "...you can learn some of the ways of the Magician!"

"Thank you, Master!" Morgan hugs him, then starts to focus on her summoning technique.....

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OOC: Don't worry. Carly is coming back....

And then, Neziarx can make his move....

IC: "Okay, Morgan." The Exemplar calmed herself, mentally reaching into the void for something alive.

"Summoning takes three steps, search, snag, and snare." she repeated.

"Searching involves mentally casting a "fishing line" of your own soul into the Great Abyss, or "Yami", as some call it."

She then sensed something relatively human-sized and shaped floating in the void, and "snagged" it.

"Snagging involves opening a portal between the object being summoned and your location."

Morgan created the portal, but several other things nearby started to tumble into the portal as well.

"Snaring in-" she was interrupted by the portal growing bigger as several creatures, all unconscious, appeared near her. The being she tried to Summon originally, a young woman with green and silver hair wearing black and red-orange clothing, looked very beat-up.

Morgan tried to help the poor soul, but she felt a jerking sensation as she as pulled back by her Master's magic, which created a barrier around the girl and her friends.

"What are you doing, Master?!?" Morgan protested.

"Open your inner eye, child! Don't you sense it?"

Morgan now sensed some sort of dark aura radiating from the group, but it was suppressed by the barrier.

"They are tainted with some sort of dark magic, darker than we Dark Sages have ever experienced! She reeks negativity!"

"And you, child..." a Snape-esque voice from behind Morgan purred, "will be imprisoned along with your master and these pieces of filth."

Morgan and Theseus turned around to see a red-armored Magician with regal-looking accents accompanied by several blue and red knights, the red ones with swords, the blues bearing shields.

"Lord Eradicator Oedipus!" Morgan and Theseus were both shocked by this as they were arrested and taken to the dungeons.

Oedipus looked out of the tower window, then closed it. He realized that no one else in the Magical Citadel of Endymion knew of what transpired in these rooms.

And no one will.

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OOC: Better idea, since I have no idea why he would want a stone.

For the instant Carly was unconscious, the cloaking device Arthias implanted in her vanished. Neziarx jumped at this opportunity and teleported to the Citadel.

"Looks like she's here, or close to this area." he said, trying to walk in. Unfortunately, a rather powerful barrier blocked his entry.

"Im going to have to do this the easy way."

Neziarx unsheathed his sword, and pointed it at the building. He fired a large bolt of lightning that pierced through the building, and, out of sheer dumb luck, the stones, removing all power from the area.

"Damn, this place is huge. No way Im gonna find her without nuking the whole place."

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IC: The moment that the Citadel's power failed, the entire Endymionian Guard rushed towards the scene of the disaster. Dozens of angry Spellcasters rose up to fight the threat. Most of the population that had magical capability headed to eliminate the intruder.

They might as well have been trying to stop a tank with machine guns.

But they would serve as a distraction while the "civilians" evacuated.

And Carly regained consciousness.

OOC: The Pitch-Black Power Stones are the Citadel's power source. Removing them would weaken the citadel.

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Neziarx just stood there as the AIs attempted to put a stop to him.

"Is this supposed to tickle?" he said, rising his sword up to the sky.

"I dont even need to play a card to defeat you!"

Neziarx slashed the ground, and created a huge explosion which wiped out a large percentage of the citadel.

"Now where is she?"

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Drake gasped and opened his eyes "Is...is this it?" he asked shakily "Am...am I out?" He looked down and saw his sword, now tinted blue, at his waist and his watch, now a deep shade of blue, darker than his sword hilt, on his wrist, his life points at 0 "What?" He asked noticing that his clothes were different and that his coat was a deep shade of blue, almost black but not quite "I hate blue" he muttered forcing himself to his feet "This has gotta be hell..."

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