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[LOCK]Yu-gi-oh 5D's: Salvation of the Virtual World[LOCK]

Sunshine Jesse

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OoC: You actually lost 1100LP because of Spencer's effect.


"I activate my facedown card, Reworded Effort! This negated the effect of your DT and then we both draw 1 card! Also, your One Hundread Eye Dragon's ATK is 2200... (no wait... it's negative 8... How does that go then xD It still has 8 Level stars... so it probably loses 800), so it cannot touch my Spencer! My monster is not beaten so easily, Kiryu!", Saizen told him.




Reworded Effort

Counter trap

Activate only when a monster with "MasterWorker" in it's name you control would be destroyed by your opponent card's effect or as a result of battle. Negate the effect of the card or the attack of the monster and destroy it. Afterwards, both players draw 1 card.



OoC: I guess now you'll play your Infinite Sight Scream from the grave?

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OoC: -8 will increase it by 800. *facepalm* but fine.


"I activate Infinity Sight Stream! Now I send Earthbound Immortal Ccpac Apu! Now My OHED gains 3000 ATK, now I activate his effect! Now OHED can attack directly! its over."


Kiryu held Misty.


"Stay with me! Now you!"


Kiryu pointed at Saizen.


"Help me get Misty some food! I will not destroy you if you help!"

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OoC: No it will not actually... well actually I don't know... you can't predict anything in this game xD


"Hmph... what an trouplesome duelist you are. But destroying me will take more.", Saizen said as the duel ended. He took Misty from the ground and started to carry her.

"We need to get to some City area...", Saizen muttered and then saw Thomas.

"Do you got any kind of field spell to transport us? Skyscraper 1? 2? anything?", Saizen asked him.

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"As an Azure Knight a smiple punch woun't take me down so easily... Opps I may of said too much their" Thomas said to Kiryu as he covered his mouth "But we need to focuse on Helping Misty first, and yes I do have Skyscarpper 2" Thomas then said and then thought and said "Wait so feild spells are transport in this game?" suprized to see that was the case and used it to Teilport everyone to the City area.

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OoC: Saizen was holding/carrying her. This is going to a triancle drama xD


"Actually not... this is just one of the bonuses I've got from the stuff of this game. I'm a trapped mind here and I got this 'gift' from them. If there are any field spells activated near me, I and the ones inside the field are automatickly transported there. But the field spell must match some area here. Aah, we don't got time to lose. Follow me!", Saizen shout and started running, carefully carrying Misty along the streets and soon they arrived to a hospital. Saizen knew and had memorized the places of many areas of the game in the close to 5 years he had been in the game.

"Finally.", he said and all three ran inside.


OoC: I wish that's fair 'ability'?

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AI chuckled as he held up two cards in his hand and sends them to the grave. 'The card's I sent was the Doom Guitarist and the trap card Sorrow Blast' he announced as the cards were slipped in. 'I am mortified that you start off with the same combo' date=' all the time. Doesn't that deck of oyurs possess variety, or has it gotten depressed since the Dark Souls abandoned it?' he mocked.



"Yes actually, my deck has been rather depressed. I set 2 cards and end."

Monsters: 2

Hand: 1

S/T: 3

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