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[LOCK]Yu-gi-oh 5D's: Salvation of the Virtual World[LOCK]

Sunshine Jesse

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OOC: My new character.


Name: Misty Tredwell

Deck: Reptiless Deck (eventually upgrades to Venom/Reptile-type Deck)

Appearance: (I don't like to use pictures from the anime itself, but it's the only option I have to get what I want.)


(Note: Like Carly, she only has darkened eyes in battle.)

Background: Like Carly, Misty awoke to find herself on a beach overlooking a beautiful sunset. She remembers losing to Akiza, then blacking out. She also has normal eyes, but is in full Dark Signer regalia. She very rational due to the fact that her inner rage has been diffused. Somewhat confused, but relatively calm, she now must explore this new world, unaware of the events occuring outside of her current location...

Faction: Dark Signer


Could you replace ANU on my current slot at the front page with my new character profile?


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"My turn..." Thomas said hoping for the card he needed and when he drew it... "I play All for one and one for all which allows me to discard a level 1 warrior type monster from my hand like Star Knight and draw 3 cards, then to clear those nasty spell and traps I play Heavy storm to destroy your cards and your feild" Thomas said as a the storm striked the feild. "Next Monster Reborn revives my Kingdom Neos and play the final card of this duel Miracle Wing which when equipped to a level 10 light attribute Warrior monster it gains 1500 ATK and can inflict damage to my opponent for the ATK of a monster the equiped monster destroys but during the end-phase Kingdom Neos is removed from play and I lose 1000 life points." Thomas said as he did some how achive a miracle turn. "Now Kingdom Neos Kingdom Megaflare!"


OOC: Sorry if this turn sounds godly but if fails am to 50 life points >.>

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IC: Meanwhile, is the Umi sector....

The Umi Sector is a vast ocean with countless seas and archipelagos strewn throughout its entirety. There is very little land, more then enough water, and plenty of clear sky and favorable winds. Sailing on this paradise was a small raft made out of tropical trees, including a palm-leaf sail, all tied together using natural fiber. Upon this makeshift boat was what looked like a Dark Signer, but her black and green robes were dirt-stained and torn up. Her Duel Disk was dinged, and her morale looked shot.

"I swear, I'm going insane." Misty talked to herself. "I just saw a mermaid off of starboard. or was it port? I was never good at sailing..."

"It really was a mermaid." a fish-headed creature replied, floating on the surface using all of its tentacles. "It was just as real as I am."

"Nice choice of words..." Misty retorted. "You're just a figment of my imagination. I woke up on a beach a few days ago, and I haven't seen another human being since. I'm obviously going insane! Why am I talking to you in the first place?"

"You shouldn't be talking to me..."

"Thank you."

"You should be focusing on that storm up ahead." the fish-octopus beast finished before sinking beneath the increasingly choppy waves.

"Yeah! Just leave me here to die!!" Misty yelled, hoping that the fish-being actually heard her.


* * * * * * * * * *


Seagulls cawed over a beach as they spied a young woman near the wreckage of a raft. Most of her clothing was gone, leaving her large bra, which filled up quite nicely, and a ragged skirt.

She opened her eyes, groaned, looked around, and swore like the sailor she was trying to imitate before collapsing again.

"Told you so..." the Octoberser had rejoined his acquaintance on the beach.

Misty responded by some additional profanity.

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"Well tho my monster is dark it changes the situation use for my card as since I only controle 1 Dark attribute monster as the only card on the feild I can remove from play Miracle Wing from my hand and draw 1 card" Thomas said and then closed his eyes To belive in your deck is to the ture way of a duelist and as he drew his card he smiled and said "I drew it, I play the Spell Extra Union which cost me 1000 life points to activate then I select a Fusion monster on my side of the feild and then select a Synchro monster with a level thats halve or less than my monster so I choose the Final Card! Armoury Arm and Equip it to Kingdom Neos" Thomas then said as the Claw lachted itself onto Kingdom Neos arm "Then my monster gains ATK equal to the equiped monsters effect until the end-phase and wait theirs more as we all commonly know armoury arm effect kicks in so Kingdom Neos has 5800 ATK and can inflict damage equal to the destroyed monster ATK, plus you should learn that cards like Kuriboh arn't useless as they may look weak but with them they have a use like that so called use you used for it around a few turns after this duel started, Kingdom Neos, Kingdom Buster Strike!" Thomas said as he managed to strike back with a lucky move.



lp 50

Mon 1: Elemental Hero Kingdom Neos (ATK/5800)

S/T 1: Armouy Arm

Hand 0

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"Sad thing is, I have two of these losers" Drake told Thomas "Got em both on my first turn" He sighed "You see, before this I not only had three worthless Kuribohs, but my ace card was a Kuriboh monster" He shook his head "It pains me to see these pitiful excuses of cards in my deck, but they have their uses I guess" He sent his second Kuriboh to the graveyard "Now stop @*$&ing me off"


OOC:His deck's trying to tell him something

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OOC: I have no idea what is happening


IC: Sigma was watching havoc being played against the world. He banged a terminal in anger. 'I can't do anything without logging in as Sigma, then Zarkus would know I'm still here. Think now Sigma, the world is at stake here and the only way to do that is reveal myself' he shouted, before looking at the monitor, it has Zarkus' e-mail on it. 'If I must, I will. I cannot stay in the background anymore' he stated as he began to typing.


'Zarkus, I wish to meet with you at the Cursed Music Hall field on the Yami server. here are things that require discussion ~AI Director'


Satisfied, Sigma made the jump to the locations, He sadly took on his shadowy appearance, and waited.

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