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[LOCK]Yu-gi-oh 5D's: Salvation of the Virtual World[LOCK]

Sunshine Jesse

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"I already introduced you to Demon's Warlord's first and second effects right" Drake asked "Gaining Attack points when it's not destroyed and cutting its Attack in half when its the only monster on the field to attack again? He smiled "Well this is his second effect, by sacrificing 600 Attack points when we each have only one monster on the field, he can Attack again!" Demon's Warlord's Attack dropped to 3400 and slashed at his Kingdom Neos "Sadly Demon's Warlord can't attack using its other effect after this"

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Meanwhile, thousands of gigabytes away.

"Im not used to tracking down foreign AIs, but I know there's a presence in the game that isn't supposed to be here." The Cloaked man said, opening up his console.

"Shouldn't take me too long to find it though... cant have anyone messing with my plan, which is going perfectly."

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IC: The Amazoness backs down, and sheathes her sword as she turns to Carly.

"I don't like her...." she leans over to Carly, "..so I will ask you something."

"Go on...." Carly is a bit nervous about this.

"May I be your Duel Partner?"

"But I already have one...."

"You can have multiple, but you can only use one at a time."

"OK." Carly accepts.

"My name is Antiope, by the way."

"Carly Carmine, and this here behind me is Podalge."

Antiope looks at the former Harpie, who looks like the normal Harpie Girl, but has a black and orange jumpsuit instead of blue and black, as well as dark eyes.

"You okay, Sister Podalge? You look a bit under the weather..." Antipoe asks.

"You won't understand..." Podalge responds, glaring at her new ally, "...but trust me, you will in due time."

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"I already introduced you to Demon's Warlord's first and second effects right" Drake asked "Gaining Attack points when it's not destroyed and cutting its Attack in half when its the only monster on the field to attack again? He smiled "Well this is his second effect' date=' by sacrificing 600 Attack points when we each have only one monster on the field, he can Attack again!" Demon's Warlord's Attack dropped to 3400 and slashed at his Kingdom Neos "Sadly Demon's Warlord can't attack using its other effect after this"


OOC: I have a question to ask. 1. How deos Deffence Draw act to destroy your monster? 2. Isn't its ATK 3500 plus with the 600 boost it still wouldn't be halved to 3400 O_o Edit: I noticed mistake and still your monster would only be at 3100.

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OOC: Not dead yet.

IC: Carly rushes over to Anu's body,which is still alive somehow.

"Anu!" she cries, now sobbing.

"I'm still-ill operational..." the AI coughs up virtual blood, then continues. "...but I-I am losing function-functional-ality. I have..." she coughs up more blood. "I hav-ave managed to save so-o-ome of my pri-rimary data.." blood come up a third time. "data in the form of-of-of these." She feebily holds up six spheres, each one a different color. "These sphe-eres will grant you-you Dar-ark Signer-er-ers ma-asive upgra-a-ades in cap-p-p-pabili-i-ity." She is now glitching up even more as she collapses.

"I'm so-orry, Car-ar-arly." she closes her eyes, and her body dissolves.

The spheres rise up into the air, then shoot off in many directions. Most of them rise up into the sky, but two of them come hurdling back down to Sogen...towards Carly and Kiryu!

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IC: The orange sphere strikes Carly straight in the chest, causing her to fall backwards as tons of information rush into her. All of the locks she had before are disengaged, but she doesn't know it yet. She, as well as all of the Dark Signers, now have the untapped potential to become full AIs, with plenty of virtual power, "virtual" meaning both cybernetic and almost.

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The cloaked man smirked, and let out a slight chuckle.

"My work here is done. Enjoy yourselves." he said, walking away.

Meanwhile, thousands of gigabytes away.

"I wonder if Godwin will defeat Zarkus. Should be fun."

Neziarx looked at the orbs crossing through the sky.


OOC: Bad idea to give ALL the Dark Signers upgrades.

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