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Can You Solve This Riddle?!?!?!


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the answer to mine is- DA DA DA DAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!








I hope you know that water is wrong. <.<

Pressure is right you dancing sausage.


@ HBK: Ash and uses?


my riddle:

What is green, rectangular and hurts if you get it in the eye?

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I guess I'll explain it line by line:

I turn polar bears white-snow which is frozen WATER

and I will make you cry.- tears

I make guys have to pee drinking too much WATER

and girls comb their hair.- after going in a POOL

I make celebrities look stupid- when they get drenched in WATER on prank shows

and normal people look like celebrities.- when they flip their hair in the WATER

I turn pancakes brown- I don't know about this one=[

and make your champane bubble.- carbonated water

If you sqeeze me, I'll pop.- WATER balloon

If you look at me, you'll pop.- if you go too deep in the OCEAN


I hope that explains it well

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