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Can You Solve This Riddle?!?!?!


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The man had the hiccups, so the bartender scared them out of him.



Anyone going to try my green glass door one on the previous page?


EDIT: Here it is again:

There is a green glass door.

You have to figure out what the rule is for things that can go throgh the green glass door.


Things that can:

football can go through twice

volleyball can go through twice



Things that can't:





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Wow, i didnt expect that to be answered so fast, correct.


and, no, i dont think anybody's doing the green glass door.


Next riddle. They have a lot of diff veriation to this, so you might have heard it before


You approach two talking doors. One door leads to the City of Truth, while the other door leads to the City of Liars. You do not know which door is which. You are able to ask only one question to determine which door is which. The door that leads to the City of Liars always speaks lies, while the door that leads to the City of Truth always speaks the truth. You want to go to the City of Truth. What question do you ask to determine which door leads to the City of Truth

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I know. Ill take a rep if you want or ten points if i can solve the hardest in your roster(mail it to me)


my version is taht there are two doors one leads to good stuff and one leads to bad stuff. There are also two men in the room and one tells the truth one doesnt. then u ask one question

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  'Visser said:

Wow' date=' i didnt expect that to be answered so fast, correct.


and, no, i dont think anybody's doing the green glass door.


Next riddle. They have a lot of diff veriation to this, so you might have heard it before


You approach two talking doors. One door leads to the City of Truth, while the other door leads to the City of Liars. You do not know which door is which. You are able to ask only one question to determine which door is which. The door that leads to the City of Liars always speaks lies, while the door that leads to the City of Truth always speaks the truth. You want to go to the City of Truth. What question do you ask to determine which door leads to the City of Truth



Ask either door: Does the door that leads to the City of Lies always lie? If you talked to the truthful door, it will say yes. If it was the lieing door, it would say no.



  'Yu-gi-oh Dude said:

They have to have two L's together in them?

Say to one door "If i was to ask the other door which door leads to the City of Truth' date=' then what would he say?" and go in the opposite of what it says



Close, I should have used some different words:





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Me haz a riddle!


A king is murdered in a round castle. A dectective comes to investigate. He asks the queen, "What were you doing when the king was murdered?". She answered. "I was putting on some make-up.". The dectective asked the chef, "What were you doing when the king was murdered?".

The chef answered, "I was baking some cookies". Then the detective asked the jester, "What were you doing when the king was murdered?". The jester answered, "I was playing cards in the corner".


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