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Café N00b [Jesus came to town on an ass.. Yo' mammas ass.]

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I just realized something. Jimmy has been gone for lunch since August 30th.

Lol' date=' it's a big lunch, OK?


EDIT: I changed it to something better. Check it out Pikachu.


Um, I'm pretty sure nothing has happened to Pikachu. He was just remarking on how Javier's "away reason" has been "Out to lunch" since August 30th.

Yep, I'm still eating it.


@Twin Seed: Fix'd.



Lol, I got teh name change again.

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can you change my name from superjustey to ~YoNDeRBoi~

WTF? Your username is already ~YoNDeRBoi~


He means the first post. >_>


And you're in.....HEY WTF?

Oh' date=' sorry. :oops:



Hey guys! I know this club exists for a hell lot of time, but do you still accept new members? If yes, count me in!! [counting me in: 1,2,3,4,5...(OK, one gazillion atoms left till I teleport at your headquarters...)]

... Accepted.


Which is the better place?


A floating base

A base in SPACE!

BASE IN SPACE! (As long as I haz teh Pikachu wif meh!)

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