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Azwolop's Newer cards!


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As the title says, newer cards... made for a comp but im bored so here



^^The image is surposed too be plain and simple too show the goodness^^








yashum, like i said, the 1st image is surposed too be plain and simple too show the kindness in him, then as the cards become more and more powerful it shows him get more and more dark xD


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I'm pretty sure you spell it Aaron...


Anyways, the cards are underpowered. The first one needs a better picture, just a normal with a body and a background. It should be level 3, as well. The second should either be level 4, or you could increase the ATK to 2000. "Chaotic Aaron" is a bit better, although it's kind of like "Dark Magician" except for 100 less DEF. If you want, you could change the ATK to 2600 or you could lower the level by 1. In the last card, capitalize Graveyard. It should be "This card can be Special Summoned by tributing 1 "Chaotic Aaron" from your side of the field to the Graveyard. When successfully summoned, to the field, you can move 1 "Agressive Aaron" from your Graveyard from to your hand."

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