Goodnight Posted July 7, 2009 Report Share Posted July 7, 2009 Kindred Samurai4star Warrior Dark1300/1700When this card is Summoned, place 3 Spell Counters on it (max. 5). This card gains 200 ATK for every Spell Counter on it. Once per turn you can remove 1 Spell Counter from this card to have this card attack twice during this turn. Kindred Monk4star Warrior Earth1200/1200 When this card is Summoned, place 3 Spell Counters on it (max. 5). This card gains 200 ATK for every Spell Counter on it. Once per turn you can remove 1 Spell Counter from this card to decrease the ATK of 1 monster on the field by 800 until the end of the turn. Kindred Mage: Red3star Spellcaster Fire1000/1600 When this card is Summoned, place 3 Spell Counters on it (max. 5). This card gains 200 ATK for every Spell Counter on it. Once per turn you can remove 1 Spell Counter from this card to add 1 Spell Counter to every "Kindred" monster on your side of the field except "Kindred Mage: Red". Kindred Mage: White2star Spellcaster Light700/1500 When this card is Summoned, place 3 Spell Counters on it (max. 5). This card gains 200 ATK for every Spell Counter on it. Once per turn you can remove 1 Spell Counter from this card to Special Summon 1 level 4 or lower "Kindred" monster from your Graveyard. Kindred Paladin3star Spellcaster Light200/2400When this card is Summoned, place 3 Spell Counters on it (max. 5). This card gains 200 ATK for every Spell Counter on it. When your opponent declares an attack, you can remove 1 Spell Counter from this card to change the target to this card. When this card is selected as an attack target by your opponent's monster, this card is changed to Defense Position. If this card has no spell counters on it at the End Phase, destroy this card. Kindred Ranger4star Warrior Wind700/900 When this card is Summoned, place 3 Spell Counters on it (max. 5). This card gains 200 ATK for every Spell Counter on it. Once per turn you can remove 1 Spell Counter from this card to destroy 1 monster on your opponents side of the field. If you activate this effect, this card cannot attack this turn. Kindred Summoner4star Spellcaster Water0/300 When this card is Summoned, place 3 Spell Counters on it (max. 5). This card gains 200 ATK for every Spell Counter on it. Once per turn you can remove 1 Spell Counter on this card and send 1 "Kindred" monster from your hand to special summon 1 level 3 or lower "Kindred" monster from your deck. Kindred Ninja3star warrior dark900/1500 When this card is Summoned, place 3 Spell Counters on it (max. 5). This card gains 200 ATK for every Spell Counter on it. When this card would be destroyed by battle or by an effect that targets, you can remove 1 Spell Counter to have this card not be destroyed. Kindred Thief4star warrior earth1100/300 When this card is Summoned, place 3 Spell Counters on it (max. 5). This card gains 200 ATK for every Spell Counter on it. Once per turn you can remove 1 Spell Counter from this card to change 1 monster on the field to defense position. When this card attacks a defense position monster, increase the ATK of this card by 1000 until the end of the Damage Step. Kindred Dragoon4star warrior wind900/900 When this card is Summoned, place 3 Spell Counters on it (max. 5). This card gains 200 ATK for every Spell Counter on it. Once per turn you can remove 1 spell counter from this card to special summon 1 "Kindred Wyvern token" (1star dragon wind 500/500). When this card attacks or is attacked, you can tribute 1 level 4 or lower dragon on your side of the field to increase this cards attack by the attack of the tributed monster. When this card battles with a defense position monster whos defense is lower than the attack of this card, inflict the difference to your opponents life points. DynamisSpell continuousWhen a 'Kindred' monster is Summoned, place 1 extra Spell Counter on it. Diabolos of the Kindred8star fiend dark?/?You can Special Summon this card from your hand. When this card is Summoned, place Spell Counters on this card equal to the amount of Spell Counters that are on "Kindred" monsters on your side of the field(max. 7). This card cannot gain spell counters except by its own effect. This card's attack and DEF is 400 x the amount of Spell Counters on this card. When a Spell card is activated, you can remove 1 Spell Counter from this card to negate the activation and destroy it. Link to comment
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